Department of Agriculture Federal Grants
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351-375 of 811 for Department of Agriculture federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Agriculture federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
NIFA requests applications for the McIntire-Stennis (M-S) Cooperative Forestry Research Program for fiscal year (FY) 2024 to assist all states in carrying out a program of state forestry research at state forestry schools and colleges and developing...
The Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program (TCRGP) (aka 1994 Institutions Research Program) is a competitive grants program supporting fundamental and/ or applied agricultural research projects that address high priority concerns of tribal,...
Marketing Agreements and Orders are designed to stabilize market conditions and improve returns to producers through the establishment of minimum prices, regulating the quality and quantity of commodities sold through commercial channels, and...
To assist States, through grants-in-aid and other means, to initiate and maintain nonprofit food service programs for children and elderly or impaired adults enrolled in nonresidential day care facilities, children attending afterschool care...
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) operates SFSP in partnership with State agencies and local organizations to provide free meals to eligible children during the summer months and at other approved times when school is not in...
To provide cost-share assistance to nonprofit commodity and agricultural trade associations to maintain and develop foreign markets for United States agricultural commodities and products.
With respect to nonfederal forest and other rural lands to assist in the advancement of forest resources management and conservation; developing genetically improved tree seeds and seedlings; producing and distributing tree seeds and seedlings;...
To assemble, evaluate, and promote the use of new and improved plant materials for soil, water, and related resource conservation and environmental improvement programs. To develop technology for land management and revegetation with plant...
To provide economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for rural residents.
Grants and loans to the Denali Commission for the benefit of rural communities in Alaska with extremely high household energy costs exceeding 275 percent of the national average.
The purpose of the NNF Grants Program is to train students for Masters and/or doctoral degrees and provide additional postdoctoral training for Fellows who have completed their doctoral degrees at colleges and universities that have demonstrable...
To reduce unfair and fraudulent practices in the marketing of perishable agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce. To prevent the destruction or dumping, without good and sufficient cause of farm produce received in interstate...
To improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods, distributed through public and non-profit private local agencies such as food banks and community action...
Team Nutrition's goal is to improve children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits by using the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Food Guidance System. The purpose of the FY 2022 Team Nutrition Training Grant...
Awards will enhance knowledge and skills to assist eligible countries to develop agricultural systems (which may include agricultural extension services) necessary to meet the food and fiber needs of their domestic populations; and strengthen and...
Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants provide financial assistance to qualified nonprofit organizations and public bodies that will assist very low and low-income individuals and their families build homes in rural areas by the self help method. Any...
To reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources and improve planning and management of solid waste disposal facilities in rural areas.
To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.
The Transportation Services program develops and promotes efficient agriculture transportation systems to help improve farm income, expand exports and meet the needs of rural America. The program provides technical and administrative direction,...
To help supplement the diets of low-income persons by making funds available to States for storage and distribution costs incurred by The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) State agencies and local organizations, such as soup kitchens, food...
The purposes of the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) are: (1) To provide fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from farmers, farmers markets, and roadside stands to women, infants, and children who...
To encourage the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products by reimbursing participating organizations for a portion of the costs of carrying out overseas marketing and...
To effectively identify and protect environmentally important forest areas threatened by conversion to nonforest uses, through the use of conservation easements or fee simple purchase. The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) is a voluntary private land...
This program has been designed to increase the supply of affordable multifamily housing in rural areas through partnerships between Rural Development and major lending sources, as well as State and local housing finance agencies and bond insurers....
The purpose of the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program, under assistance listing 10.217, is to strengthen institutional capacities, including curriculum, faculty, scientific instrumentation, instruction delivery systems, and student...