Data Processing Federal Grants
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51-75 of 91 for Data Processing federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Data Processing federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
"The NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG) seeks to improve the quality of life and the economic strength of the Nation by fostering innovation, creativity, and excellence in engineering research and education . Specifically, ENG enables the...
To promote the progress of the mathematical and physical sciences and thereby strengthen the Nation's scientific enterprise; to increase the store of scientific knowledge and enhance understanding of major problems confronting the Nation. Most of...
The Department of Energy (DOE) promotes nuclear energy as a resource capable of meeting the nation's energy, environmental, and national security needs by resolving technical, cost, safety, security, and proliferation resistance through research,...
To conduct balanced research and development efforts in the following energy technologies: solar, biomass, hydrogen and fuel cells, wind, hydropower, and geothermal. Grants will be offered to develop and transfer to the nonfederal sector various...
The goal of this program is to conduct a balanced, long-term research effort in Buildings Technologies, Vehicle Technologies, Solid State Lighting Technologies, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, and Industrial Efficiency and...
The goals of this assistance program are to (1) support analyses, studies, evaluations, workshops, conferences, and demonstration projects that lead to reduced pollutants generated and conservation of natural resources; (2) improve economic...
To provide all services and assistance necessary to enable Veterans with service-connected disabilities and service members hospitalized or receiving outpatient medical care services or treatment for a service- connected disability pending discharge...
To advance and promote applied research, data assimilation and management, technology development, and education in environmental science.
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Behavioral Health Integration (NEPQR-IPCP:BHI) Program: The purpose of this program is to increase the access to and quality of behavioral health services through behavioral health integrated team-based care...
Regional Geographic Initiatives (RGI) is a unique funding source that supports Regional strategic priorities and environmental risks that are not addressed wholly or in part by existing national environmental programs. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year...
If made available, the funds would provide financial resources to build and improve the compliance assurance and enforcement capacity of federally-recognized Indian tribes (tribes), inter-tribal consortia, or tribal organizations. Such capacity...
To support the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, reduction, and...
The Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (REMAP) is a partnership between the EPA Regional Offices and the Office of Research and Development (ORD) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), with the primary goal to...
Competitions and assistance under this announcement would focus one or more of three topic areas: 1) supporting analyses, studies, evaluations, demonstration projects and conferences that lead to an improved understanding for states and communities...
The objective of this grant program is to assist states, territories, and possessions of the United States with critical water infrastructure protection.
PLEASE SEE PROGRAM 93.855; Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research
To provide statistical results of censuses, surveys, and other programs on the Internet, in printed reports, floppy discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and online, and to provide maps showing area boundaries and codes.
To assist census data users in the access to and use of published and unpublished data through information provided in newsletters, on-line catalogs, conferences and training courses; design new informational and data products to meet user needs;...
To: (1) Build upon and amplify the results from past and on-going research in the Great Lakes basin; (2) develop information, databases and research methodology that will provide long-term benefit to human health effects research in the Great Lakes...
To provide States with financial assistance that supports programs designed to maximize the ability of individuals of all ages with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives to obtain assistive...
To provide a computer generated set of maps for use in conducting censuses and surveys and for showing their results geographically; determine names and current boundaries of selected statistical areas; show these entities on a variety of maps;...
To encourage, coordinate, and conduct research and evaluation of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention activities; to provide for public and private agencies, institutions, justice system agencies, a clearinghouse and information center for...
To support and coordinate research and its utilization in order to improve the lives of people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities, especially persons with severe disabilities, through: (1) identifying and eliminating causes and...
To provide federal funds for information dissemination and technical assistance to states, training of federal and state staff to improve state child support programs, and research, demonstration, and special projects of regional or national...
The purpose of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Cooperative Agreements Program (NSDI CAP) is to fund innovative projects in the geospatial data community to build the infrastructure necessary to effectively discover, access, share, manage,...