Cooperative Housing Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 69 for Cooperative Housing federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Cooperative Housing federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Resident Opportunity and Supportive Services - Service Coordinators
To address the economic and housing self-sufficiency needs of public and Indian housing residents by providing grant-funded service coordinators who link residents to the supportive services they need in order to achieve economic and housing...

Technical Assistance to Cooperatives
To develop and administer research, technical assistance, statistical, and educational programs on finances, organization, management, legal, social, and economic aspects of rural cooperatives, focusing on farmer cooperatives.

Mortgage Insurance Purchase of Units in Condominiums
To enable individuals and families to purchase or refinance eligible units in condominium projects.

Rural Cooperative Development Grants
To improve the economic condition of rural areas by assisting individuals and businesses in the startup, expansion or operational improvement of rural cooperatives and other mutually-owned businesses through Cooperative Development Centers.

Voting Access for Individuals with Disabilities-Grants for Protection and Advocacy Systems
Section 291 of HAVA provides that funds be made available to Protection and Advocacy Systems to: (1) ensure full participation in the electoral process for individuals with disabilities; (2) provide education, training and assistance to individuals...

Home Investment Partnerships Program
To expand the supply of affordable housing, particularly rental housing, for low and very low income Americans; to strengthen the abilities of State and local governments to design and implement strategies for achieving adequate supplies of decent,...

Mortgage Insurance Rental and Cooperative Housing for Moderate Income Families and Elderly, Market Interest Rate
Section 221(d)(4) insures mortgage loans to facilitate the new construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental or cooperative housing for moderate-income families, elderly, and the handicapped. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) projects...

Housing Finance Agencies (HFA) Risk Sharing
Under Section 542(c), HUD provides credit enhancement for mortgages for multifamily housing projects whose loans are underwritten, processed, serviced, and disposed of by Housing Finance Agencies (HFA). HUD and the qualified State and local HFAs...

Mortgage Insurance Rental Housing
HUD insures mortgage loans to finance the construction or rehabilitation of a broad range of multifamily rental housing through a variety of programs linked in the Related Federal Assistance section. Though Section 207 itself is no longer active,...

Rural Housing Preservation Grants
To assist very low- and low-income rural residents individual homeowners, rental property owners (single/multi-unit) or by providing the consumer cooperative housing projects (co-ops) the necessary assistance to repair or rehabilitate their...

Mortgage Insurance Rental Housing for the Elderly
To provide quality rental housing for the elderly.

Rural Rental Housing Loans
To provide economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for rural residents.

Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants
To develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income.

Mortgage Insurance Rental Housing in Urban Renewal Areas
To provide quality rental housing in urban renewal areas, code enforcement areas, and other areas designated for overall revitalization.

Section 538 Rural Rental Housing Guaranteed Loans
This program has been designed to increase the supply of affordable multifamily housing in rural areas through partnerships between Rural Development and major lending sources, as well as State and local housing finance agencies and bond insurers....

Cooperative Fishery Statistics
To maintain a cooperative State and Federal partnership to provide a continuing source of fisheries dependent statistics to support fishery management in the States' Territorial Sea and the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone.

Manufactured Housing
Administers the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (the Act) which authorizes HUD to establish federal standards for the design and construction of manufactured homes to assure quality, durability, safety,...

Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency under Resident Opportunity and Supportive Services
To promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources to enable participating families to achieve economic independence and housing self-sufficiency.

Public Housing Neighborhood Networks Grants
To provide Public Housing Authorities with funding to create community technology centers which provide Internet access, job training, and other supportive services to residents of public housing.

Voting Access for Individuals with Disabilities_Grants to States
Section 261 of HAVA provides that funds be made available to States to: (1) make polling places, including the path of travel, entrances, exits, and voting areas of each polling facility, accessible to individuals with the full-range of disabilities...

Operation Lead Elimination Action Program
To leverage private sector resources to eliminate lead poisoning as a major public health threat to young children. Operation LEAP will provide seed money in the form of grants to applicants that demonstrate a concrete ability to leverage...

Demolition and Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing
Revitalization Grants enable PHAs to improve the living environment for public housing residents of severely distressed public housing projects through the demolition, substantial rehabilitation, reconfiguration, and/or replacement of severely...

Mortgages Insurance for Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Projects
The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program provides mortgage insurance for multifamily properties consisting of single-room units. There are no Federal rent subsidies involved with this SRO Program. It is aimed at those tenants who have a source of...

Mortgage Insurance for Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation of Condominium Projects
To enable sponsors to develop condominium projects in which individual units will be sold to home buyers.

Multifamily Property Disposition
To manage and dispose of multifamily housing projects that are owned by the Secretary or that are subject to a mortgage held by the Secretary in a manner that is consistent with the National Housing Act; protect the financial interests of the...