Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Federal Grants

Showing results 51-73 of 73 for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Connecting Kids to Coverage Outreach and Enrollment (Cycle III)
Connecting Kids to Coverage Outreach and Enrollment (Cycle III)grants will support outreach strategies similar to those conducted in previous grant cycles, and also will fund activities designed to help families understand new application procedures...

Nationwide Program for National and State Background Checks for Direct Patient Access Employees of Long-Term Care Facilities and Providers
CMS is inviting proposals from all States and U.S. territories to be considered for inclusion in this National Background Check Program. Only States that did not apply for full funding may apply during this solicitation. Federal matching funds are...

Adult Medicaid Quality Grants Measuring and Improving the Quality of Care in Medicaid
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (The Affordable Care Act) will extend coverage to millions of the nation?s uninsured population, and includes provisions focused on improving access, affordability and the overall quality of care for...

Affordable Care Act Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration
Section 2707(a). The purpose of this program is for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) to establish a demonstration project under which an eligible State (as described in subsection...

The Affordable Care Act Medicaid Incentives for Prevention of Chronic Disease Demonstration Project
Section 4108(a)(1)(A)The Secretary shall award grants to States to carry out initiatives to provide incentives to Medicaid beneficiaries who – (i) successfully participate in a program described in paragraph (3); and (ii) upon completion of such...

ACA Nationwide Program for National and State Background Checks for Direct Patient Access Employees of Long Term Care Facilities and Providers
The program is intended to establish a nationwide program to identify efficient, effective, and economical procedures for long term care facilities and providers to conduct background checks on a statewide basis on all prospective direct patient...

State Planning and Establishment Grants for the Affordable Care Act (ACA)’s Exchanges
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to modernize or update any system, program, or technology that is necessary for implementation of Sections 9661 and 9663 of the ARPA, which make changes to the premium assistance amounts available to...

Arra-survey And Certification Ambulatory Surgical Center Healthcare-associated Infection (asc-hai) Prevention Initiative
(a) Improve State Agency inspection capability and frequency for onsite surveys of Ambulatory Surgical Centers nationwide;
(b) Use a new infection control survey tool developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CMS;

Alternate Non-emergency Service Providers Or Networks
To provide Federal payments to States for the establishment of alternate non-emergency service providers, or networks of such providers to provide non-emergency care.

Rural PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Provider Grant Program
To provide services in a geographic service area that is, in whole or in part, a rural area that has received a site development grant under this Section.

Hurricane Katrina Relief
To provide additional Federal payments under Katrina hurricane-related multi-State Section 1115 Demonstrations to reimburse affected States for the nonfederal share of specified medical care hurricane-related expenditures and associated...

Alternatives to Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities for Children
Over the last decade, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTFs) have become the primary provider for youth with serious emotional disturbances requiring an institutional level of care. However, since they are not recognized as hospitals,...

Medicaid Transformation Grants
To provide Federal payments to States for the adoption of innovative methods to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in providing Medical Assistance.

Reimbursement of State Costs for Provision of Part D Drugs
To ensure that the Medicare and Medicaid programs can respond expeditiously to the needs of the dual-eligible beneficiaries and beneficiaries who have enrolled in a Part D plan and have been determined to be eligible for the low-income subsidy. ...

State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
To provide Federal funding for grants to States with State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (SPAPs) for the purpose of educating SPAP participants about Medicare Part D coverage. These funds may also be used to provide technical assistance, phone...

Medicare Transitional Drug Assistance Program For States
To provide Federal funding for transitional assistance to certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries, for the purchase of prescription drugs as referenced in Section 1860D-31(b)(2) of the Act.

Federal Reimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens
To reimburse eligible providers for their otherwise un-reimbursed costs associated with furnishing emergency health services to undocumented and certain other aliens.

Pilot Program For National And State Background Checks - Direct Patient Access For Long-Term Care
To establish a pilot program to identify efficient, effective, and economical procedures for long-term care facilities or providers to conduct background checks on prospective direct patient access employees.

Medicare Transitional Drug Assistance Program For Territories
To make available Federal funding for transitional assistance with respect to the provision of covered discount drugs for certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries of U. S. Commonwealths and Territories, referenced in Section 1860D-31(j)(2) of the...

Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment
To prevent the loss of employment and reliance on cash assistance by individuals at risk for disability. To provide benefits equivalent to those provided by Medicaid, to the categorically needy and to workers who have physical or mental impairments...

Grants to States for Operation of Qualified High-Risk Pools
To assist States in the operation of a qualified high-risk health insurance pool by providing Federal funding (for up to appropriate funding levels) of losses incurred by the pool for a given State fiscal year.

Medicaid Infrastructure Grants To Support the Competitive Employment of People with Disabilities
To support State efforts to enhance employment options for people with disabilities by building Medicaid infrastructure. Funding may be used to develop a Medicaid buy-in, increase availability of Personal Assistance Services, or for State-to-State...

Seed Grants to States for Qualified High-Risk Pools
To assist States in the creation and initial operation of a qualified high-risk health insurance pool for individuals who cannot purchase individual coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions.