Bureau of Reclamation Federal Grants

Showing results 101-125 of 470 for Bureau of Reclamation federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Bureau of Reclamation federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Water Conservation Field Services Program
Funding Opportunity Announcement No. BOR-UC-16-F001 Water Conservation Field Services Program Fiscal Year 2016 Mission Statement The mission of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an...

Notice of Intent to Award - Center for the Development and Use of Alternative Water Supplies
Alternative waters are waters of marginal quality and not ready for use, including brackish and produced waters. Alternative waters represent important new water sources for sustainable water supplies in New Mexico and the western US where water...

WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for FY 2016
The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite States, Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority to leverage their money and resources by cost...

Collection and Compilation of Water Pipeline Field Performance Data
The purpose of this project is to collect high quality field performance data on pipeline reliability for water pipelines of different materials specified in Table 2 of Technical Memorandum (TM) 8140-CC-2004-1, entitled “Corrosion Protection...

Salinity Control Projects, State of Colorado
Section 205 of the Act directs Reclamation to utilize funds from the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund and the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund (“the Basin Funds”) to provide the authorized cost share amounts in a manner that is...

WaterSMART: Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program Funding for Fiscal Year 2016
Under Title XVI of Public Law 102-575 (Title XVI), Reclamation works to identify and investigate opportunities to reclaim and reuse wastewater and naturally impaired ground and surface water in the 17 Western States and Hawaii. Title XVI also...

Dixie Valley Groundwater Export Study
The Dixie Valley Ground Water Export Study is being conducted by an interagency study team consisting of representatives of Reclamation, Churchill County, Nevada, Nevada Division of Water Resources and U.S. Geological Survey. The primary purpose of...

Bubbling Ponds Hatchery, razorback sucker production
The Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP) is a federal and non-federal partnership responding to the need to balance use of lower Colorado River (LCR) water resources and the conservation of native species and their...

Emergency Drought Barriers Water Quality Monitoring
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to California Department of Water Resources (DWR) under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.517, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Public...

Herpetofauna and riparian habitat work at the confluence of the Gila and San Pedro Rivers
This research project will accomplish the following. Establish research sites in the area of historic Reclamation herpetofauna study. Summarize the historic Reclamation field study and compare to current herpetofauna community. Compare the...

Museum Property Processing and Documentation
The State Historical Society of North Dakota will use DOI Museum Property Standards to process and prepare for long term curatorial storage from the Beadmaker site, and 22 other Reclamation archaeological sites in North Dakota.

Sacramento River Small Screen Diversion
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a funding modification to a cooperative agreement with Family Water Alliance under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.512 Central Valley Project Improvement Act,...

Sacramento Joint Intake Project
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a funding modification to a cooperative agreement with Reclamation District 2035 under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.512 Central Valley Project Improvement...

System Conservation Pilot Program
The States of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico (Upper Division States), through UCRC, have been working in parallel with Arizona, California and Nevada (Lower Division States) and public entities within the Colorado River Basin, and in...

IEP Bay-Delta Fish and Aquatic Resources Monitoring
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to California Department of Fish & Wildlife under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.512, Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA),...

Tahoe -Truckee Programs to Improve Habitats Associated with Water Systems and Supplies
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a grant agreement to Tahoe Resource Conservation District, for Tahoe -Truckee Programs to Improve Habitats Associated with Water Systems and Supplies, under the authority of Catalog of Federal...

Long Term Conveyance of Water
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to Buena Vista Water Storage District (BVWSD) under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.512, Central Valley Project Improvement Act...

Conveyance of CVPIA water to specified wildlife refuges
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to Central California Irrigation District (CCID) under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.512, Central Valley Project Improvement Act...

Knights Landing Outfall Gates Fish Barrier
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to Knights Landing Outfall Gates (KLOG) under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.517, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 USC...

Glen Canyon Adaptive Management Program, Tribal Participation
The Pueblo of Zuni considers ancestral archaeological sites to be traditional cultural properties (TCPs) because these sites are tangible monuments validating Zuni emergence and migrations, which play a fundamental role in sustaining Zuni individual...

Weed Management and Jobs Creation Project, Phase 2
OVERVIEW In 2006, the Department of the Interior entered into the San Joaquin River Settlement (Settlement) in NRDC et al., v. Kirk Rodgers et al. The Settlement was subsequently approved by the Court in October 2006 and the San Joaquin River...

Lont Term Curation Services
The Bureau of Reclamation generates collections of archeological materials and records in accordance with multiple federal laws. Following 36 CFR 79, these federal museum properties must be curated by a repository or museum meeting Department of the...

Westside Regional Drainage Plan - San Joaquin River Salinity Management - 2015 Financial Assistance Agreement
The proposed 2015 Financial Assistance Agreement will fund projects the development of projects identified in the Westside Regional Drainage Plan (WRDP) that will manage and reduce salinity in the lower San Joaquin River and improve fish and...

Watershed Rehabilitation and Sediment Control
OVERVIEW The Watershed Rehabilitation and Sediment Control Project was identified through a public solicitation process and selected and approved by the Trinity River Watershed Council and the Trinity River Restoration Watershed Workgroup. The...

Sycamore Island Pond Isolation
OVERVIEW In 1988, the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust was formed due to concern over the loss of San Joaquin Valley wetlands and river resources. Awareness of the need for comprehensive planning for resource management led to...