Bureau of Land Management Federal Grants
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776-800 of 832 for Bureau of Land Management federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Bureau of Land Management federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Populate and maintain the statewide automated database for cultural resources called COMPASS with BLM project and site data and with linkages to GIS information
Determine winter habitat use patterns of mule deer before and during wind power development in the Chokecherry unit, evaluate whether wind facility infrastructure affects migratory behavior and develop a baseline dataset.
Many grassland birds and other avian species populations are in decline. The Carrizo Plain National Monument and the Bakersfield Field Office are home to a number of bird species that are considered special status due to continuing loss of habitat...
The objective of this agreement is to support collaborative efforts among the BLM and its partners for effective sharing of resources and expertise aimed at providing a safe and valued recreational opportunity for the public into the future and for...
The purpose of this agreement is to control vehicle access in order to minimize resource damage associated with cross country vehicle travel and to minimize conflicts between beach users by limiting vehicle access to designated routes.
The purpose of this project is to maintain and update the County Wildfire Protection Plan, continue funding ongoing community outreach and education, and coordinating new items that may become advisory team outreach goals.
This project is for the dissemination of wildfire prevention materials and to raise public awareness of the risks and consequences of unaccountable behavior with regard to public land use and wildfires.
Support an internship program offering geoscience experience to qualified candidate(s) and provide access to specialized education in Bureau of Land Management (BLM) mission relating to public lands management
The conference will provide an open forum to share experiences and state-of-the-art methods, tools, and processes for assessing and incorporating ecosystem services into public and private decisions. The focus of the conference will be to link...
The goal of this project is to conduct basic study with relevance to management of public lands in the BLM California Desert District. This region is faced with changes to vegetation associated with climate change and drought. Dieback of woody...
This project will perform climate change and viability modeling, administrative studies, monitoring assessments and surveys and recovery actions for threatened and endangered plants, rare and common native plants, within Oregon and Washington BLM.
GSENM intention is to work with a Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Unit Partner to obtain additional data on Cretaceous age invertebrate fossil resources of the Kaiparowits Plateau and their stratigraphic contexts, so that useful models on...
The BLM seeks a partner to conserve and protect significant cultural resources in Clark County, expand the volunteer base and partnerships that contribute to the Cultural Site Stewardship Program, and develop economic sustainability for the program...
This project will coordinate stream restoration work to improve water quality and increase habitat complexity for Coho Salmon and Steelhead in the West Fork Evans Creek Watershed.
The BLM seeks a partner for the purpose of protecting wilderness areas and WSAs using a large volunteer base to collect data, monitor, and restore Nevada BLM lands.
Developing comprehensive emission inventories for oil and gas activies in protions of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana to support regional photochemical grid modeling.
This Pilot Project is a result of the BLMs realization that travel and tourism is poised to be one of the top six economic drivers for the U.S. economy within this decade, and that tourism constitutes a particularly strong influence within rural...
The BLM seeks a partner for the purpose of developing and implementing educational and interpretive programs and services, and providing for land conservation activities, maintenance, and resource protection projects on BLM lands within the State of...
Development of an Ecoregional Ethnographic Assessment of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe.
The objective is to assess the ecological conditions on these parcels and to identify disturbances to these conditions that may result from changing climate. This information will be used to determine whether and how the BLM should be managing...
General public education campaign to provide educational outreach for Montana.
To map and classify all wetland and riparian areas in areas identified by the BLM across Montana.
The principle purpose of the CCS program is to promote cost-share partnerships with non-federal entities for the purpose of public land management of important resources such as cultural, fisheries, recreation, wildlife, special status plants, and...
The project will develop a fire history for the Whoopup Canyon Petroglyph ACEC using dendrochronology to establish the locations and ages of past fires. Cross sections of trees that were cut following the 2001 and 2011 wildfires will be analyzed...
To support ongoing statewide water quality monitoring and stimulate additional monitoring in areas potentially affected by BLm management.