Bureau of Land Management Federal Grants

Showing results 551-575 of 832 for Bureau of Land Management federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Bureau of Land Management federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


BLM OR-WA: Nestucca Valley School District Youth Programs, Salem, Oregon
The objective of this program is to immerse students in natural resource research, management, conservation, and uses, as well as expose them to some of the current controversial land issues faced by our local, state, and federal agencies.

Developing Tools and Education Materials for Implementing the National Vegetation Classification
The principle purpose of this agreement is to make the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) available and usable by anyone in the US. This proposal seeks a partner for development and peer review of classification and mapping products for...

BLM OR-WA: CESU - Helping Shrub-steppe Communities Adapt to Climate Change Using Valuation of Ecosystem Services, Spokane District
The objective of this agreement is to support cooperative development of planning tools to facilitate cross-jurisdictional management to maximize support of shrub-steppe habitat resilience and human community resilience in Douglas County, Washington...

BLM OR-WA Medford District Conservation Stewardship
1. The principal purpose of this project is to conserve and restore pine-oak habitat, and other habitats in need of restoration, in the Rogue Basin through collaboration with local groups. Specific objectives of this project are to: a. Identify...

Jefferson River Watershed Water Quality Data in Montana
To develop partnerships with the goal of improving watershed function and water quality for the publics benefit.

Fisher's Botton Historical Landscape Preservation
Preservation of Historical Structures

Upper Burro Creek Archaeological Field School
This Funding Opportunity is to Replace L13AS00164. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION A. Project Background Information: The Upper Burro Creek Archaeological Field School began in 2003 as a regional program on lands administered by the BLM...

BLM OR-WA: South Fork Crab Creek Riparian Restoration, Spokane District, WA
The South Fork Crab Creek Riparian Restoration project is part of an ongoing effort between private landowners, non-profits, and other federal and state agencies, to enhance wetland and riparian areas in the Upper Crab Creek Watershed. Restoration...

BLM OR-WA: Lower Sandy Wild and Scenic River Coop Mgmt Plan, Salem District
This project seeks to improve management of the lower Sandy Wild and Scenic River through the cooperation between the BLM and State entities. The first component of this effort is to collect information on current visitor experiences and recreation...

BLM OR/WA - CESU, Biological Control Agent Evaluation and Development
The objective is to develop and evaluate biological control agents to provide economical and sustainable control options for invasive plant species as part of a complete Integrated Pest Management program. Determining which biological agents are...

BLM OR-WA: WA State Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs)
This program will support weed management efforts throughout the State of Washington by funding existing and newly formed CWMAs. Activities accomplished by this program may include GPS mapping of noxious weed populations; Conducting noxious weed...

BLM OR-WA: Bird Conservation Regional Cooperation, Oregon/Washington
The objective of this program is to continue to support activities related to bird conservation at both a national and regional level and to facilitate all bird conservation work within the Northern Pacific Rainforest Bird Conservation Region (BCR)....

BLM OR-WA Douglas County Noxious Weed Control, Oregon
The objective of this project is to improve the long term health of both public and private lands by controlling noxious weeds within the jurisdictional boundaries of Douglas Soil & Water Conservation District.

BLM OR-WA: Wheeler County CWPP and Educational Outreach, Fossil, Oregon
The objective of this project is to update of the Wheeler County CWPP to incorporate changed conditions and community priorities that have occurred since the original document was first generated in 2006 and to provide educational outreach to all...

BLM WY Wildlife Aerial Survey
Monitor populations of sagegrouse and elk in development areas for conventional oil, gas and coal bed natural gas in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming for planning, monitoring, baseline data gathering and special projects associated with fluid...

BLM AZ Ecological Monitoring, Adaptive Management and Climate Adaptation on NLCS Units
The principle purpose of this project is to assist the BLM in its multi-use mission to use the best available science in its decision processes, combined with engaging broad public partners to integrate adaptive management into ongoing management...

The objective of this project is to gather LiDAR data that will enable a multitude of agencies, organizations, and landowners to develop management plans that will minimize or eliminate degradation of public resources. Collected data will assist...

Trail Planning, Design, Construction and Partnership Development, Oregon
The objective of this project is to cooperate in planning, designing, and constructing all forms of both motorized and non-motorized trail systems on BLM administered lands in Oregon and Washington.

Western Invasives Network (WIN)
This program is to prevent the introduction and control the spread of the most harmful invasive plant species in the region by facilitating information exchange and cooperative management among all willing land managers; to provide a clearinghouse...

CESU Desert Southwest Evaluation of Grassland Restoration Program on Las Cienegas National Conservation Area
Project Objective: 1. The principal purpose of the proposed project is to work with BLM and other partners in the Cienega watershed to evaluate the effectiveness of the grassland restoration program in meeting treatment and restoration...

BLM OR-WA CESU Oregon Flora Project
The principal purpose/objective of the Oregon Flora Project is to serve as a comprehensive resource for the vascular plants of Oregon that grow without cultivation, and to foster effective use of this knowledge by all citizens, students,...

BLM OR/WA - Scappoose Watershed Assessment and Fish Passage, Salem District, Oregon
This project includes the removal of a fish passage barrier in Cedar Creek and the completion of a Watershed Assessment. This Watershed assessment is nearing completion, and will provide both a list of limiting factors (fish habitat) and a...

BLM OR-WA, Lincoln County Sage-grouse Re-introduction, Spokane District
The original goal was to translocate 40 greater sage-grouse each year (2008-2011), with an even sex ratio. Because of higher mortality of sage-grouse in the first years of the project, and smaller numbers of translocated birds, we now believe...

BLM OR/WA - Cowiche Creek Riparian Enhancement
This agreement will facilitate: a) fish screening and passage; b) enhancement of emergent wetlands adjacent to waterways; c) reduction of irrigation withdrawals; d) riparian, floodplain and in-stream habitat restoration; e) reduction of fine...

BLM OR-WA Crown Zellerbach Trail/Hawkins Creek Bridge
The goal for the trail development is to link with the Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail in Vernonia thus establishing a 40+ mile end-to-end trail network. Regionally, the trail network will become a piece in a trail network that will eventually link the...