Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game Federal Grants
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101-125 of 603 for Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The purposes of the Program are- (1) to increase capacity for food, garden, and nutrition education within host organizations or entities and school cafeterias and in the classroom; (2) to complement and build on the efforts of the farm to school...
To marshal resources of the Land-grant Institutions (LGIs) and Cooperative Extension Systems (CES) so that, in collaboration with other organizations, they can develop and deliver educational programs that equip youth who are at -risk for not...
To establish a competitive grants program for the purpose of educating agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities to enhance profitability of their operations. These activities include futures, options, agricultural...
The Rural Health and Safety RHSE program addresses the health and well-being of rural America through supporting the development and/or implementation of projects focused on: (1) individual and family health education programs with specified...
The RREA-NFF, Assistance Listing 10.515, program goal is to enhance the sustainability of US forest and rangeland resources, and to enable landowners and managers to achieve their desired goals and objectives by making sound research available to...
The 1890 Facilities Grants Program provides funds for the acquisition and improvement of agricultural and food sciences facilities and equipment, including libraries, so that the 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University,...
1862 Cooperative Extension Programs at 1862 Land-Grant Institutions(Smith-Lever) (1862 CES Capacity) University of the District of Columbia Public Postsecondary Education Reorganizational Act Program (DCPPERA): The purpose of this funding is to...
The purpose of this program is to establish and operate Agriculture Innovation Centers that provide technical assistance and services to agricultural producers to help them develop and market value-added agricultural products.
The purpose of the Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) is to relieve veterinarian shortage situations and support veterinary services. The Secretary shall carry out a program to make competitive grants to qualified entities that carry out...
The Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Program provides grants to non-profits to increase the number of military veterans gaining knowledge and skills through comprehensive, hands-on and immersive model farm and ranch...
RFSP is a component of the Local Agricultural Marketing Program (LAMP). RFSP supports partnerships that brings together public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems and encourages food economy viability and...
The Dairy Business Innovation (DBI) Initiatives connects the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) with eligible entities to host DBI Initiatives to manage the program by supporting dairy businesses in the development, production, marketing, and...
The Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program (FMLFPP) is a component of the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). FMLFPP supports the development, coordination and expansion of local and regional food systems through two competitive grant...
To support the efforts of such States, tribal governments, and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry through the following activities: (1) Promotion of research and education related to maple syrup production. (2)...
The WHIP Plus is directly reimbursing producers for crop, tree, bush, and vine losses due to qualifying disaster events in 2018 and 2019. FSA is also providing assistance for these losses through grants to participating state agencies and...
DMC offers a dairy margin protection plan which provides payments to dairy operations when the difference between the all-milk price and the average feed cost fall below a certain, producer selected, dollar amount. Producers will be eligible for a...
The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is issuing new regulations to implement MFP. MFP provides assistance to producers with commodities that have been significantly impacted by actions of foreign governments resulting in the loss of traditional...
The 2017 WHIP is directly reimbursing producers for crop production losses in 2018. In addition to WHIP, USDA is providing a grant to Florida, which is reimbursing citrus producers for the cost of buying and planting replacement trees, including...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing its intention to receive and consider a cooperative agreement with the University of Mississippi (UM) to support the National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR). The purpose of this...
Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: (1) address a State, regional, national, or international educational need; (2) involve a creative or non-traditional approach toward addressing that need that can serve as a...
On February 11, 2014, President Obama issued the National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking. Incorporating recommendations from the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking, the Implementation Plan was released on February 11, 2015 to...
The project will help NPS manage its cave and karst resources during a period when White Nose Syndrome (WNS) is having a tragic adverse impact upon the cave roosting bat species of the Ozarks. Buffalo National River (BNR) contains over 400...
The purpose of this grant program is to support potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) research programs that focus on varietal development and testing and potato varieties for commercial production. As used herein, varietal development and testing is...
The purpose of this program is strengthen the capacity of Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences through distance education...
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Insular Area Institutions to carry out teaching and education programs within a broadly defined arena of food and agricultural sciences-related disciplines. By strengthening...