Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game Federal Grants

Showing results 576-600 of 603 for Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


South Sudan Cattle Program
USSESSS intends to fund one project that will begin with research and conclude with the implementation of a pilot project. Cattle raiding has a long history in South Sudan. In recent history these raids are becoming more violent and significantly...

Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG)
The primary objective of the RBOG program is to promote sustainable economic development in rural communities with exceptional needs. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis.

Livestock Forage Disaster Program
The objective of LFP is to provide financial assistance from the Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund (Trust Fund). The Secretary of Agriculture (henceforth the Secretary) has the authority to use sums from the Trust Fund to provide compensation...

Congressional Grants
Provide funding for small business development and entrepreneurship initiatives, including programmatic and construction activities

Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program
The objective of the SURE program is to provide financial assistance for farm revenue losses due to natural disaster. Assistance is provided from the Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund (Trust Fund) established under Public Law 110-246. The...

Food Aid Nutrition Enhancement Program
To develop and field test new food products designed to improve the nutritional delivery of humanitarian food assistance provided through the McGovern Dole (section 3107 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 1736o-1)) and...

Agriscience Awards
To encourage and promote "cutting edge" innovation in the field of Agriscience.

Community Wood Energy Program
Encourage the development of community wood energy plans and/or acquire or upgrade community wood energy systems.

Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance
For priority road, bridge and trail maintenance and decommissioning, including related watershed restoration and ecosystem enhancement projects; facilities improvement, maintenance and renovation; and remediation of abandoned mine sites. All funds...

Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management
Hazardous fuels reduction, forest health protection, rehabilitation and hazard mitigation activities on Federal lands, and State and private forestry activities including hazardous fuels reduction, forest health and ecosystem improvement activities...

Challenge Cost Share
The Challenge Cost Share Program works through cooperative partners to help accomplish high priority work to support habitat improvement, comprehensive travel management, recreation and cultural projects. The types of projects that can be funded...

Recovery Act Funds - Habitat Enhancement, Restoration and Improvement.
To provide technical and financial assistance to identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat or species on both public and proviate lands.

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers Training Coordination Program (TAAF)
The purpose of the TAAF program is to provide U.S. agricultural producers whose commodities have been certified as affected by imports, and who have been approved through individual application, with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to make...

Farmers Market Promotion Program
To increase domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets, by developing, improving, expanding, and providing...

Tobacco Transition Payment Program
The Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 repeals the federal tobacco price support/production control program, provides compensation payments to tobacco quota owners for the elimination of their government-created asset (quota), and...

International Science and Education Grants
The purpose of ISE is to support the internationalization of food, agriculture and related programs at U.S. universities and colleges. It is intended that ISE will improve the ability of American students, business people, and community members to...

Rural Business Investment Program
To promote economic development and create wealth and job opportunities among individuals living in rural areas and help to meet the equity capital investment needs primarily of smaller enterprises located in such areas.

Food Safety and Security Monitoring Project
To complement, develop and improve State, Indian Tribal, and local food safety and security testing programs for equipment, supplies, personnel, training, and facility upgrades to FERN microbiological, chemical, and radiological laboratories to...

Ruminant Feed Ban Support Project
To assist in an increased surveillance presence throughout the commercial feed channels to prevent the introduction or amplification of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States.

Partnership Agreements to Develop Non-Insurance Risk Management Tools for Producers (Farmers)
To develop risk management tools (risk management tools do not include insurance products, plans of insurances, policies, modifications thereof or any related material) for the U. S. agriculture producers with an emphasis on specialty crop(s)...

Crop Insurance Education in Targeted States
The purpose of this cooperative agreement program is to deliver crop insurance education and information to U.S. agricultural producers in certain, designated States that have been historically underserved with respect to crop insurance. The States,...

Trade Adjustment Assistance
Under the program, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides technical assistance and cash benefits to eligible farmers and fishermen if increased imports contributed importantly to a production or price decline of greater than 15 percent....

Farm Labor Contractor Registration
To provide protection in the areas of wages, housing, and transportation for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers.

Rural Business Opportunity Grants
To promote sustainable economic development in rural communities with exceptional needs.

Rural Development, Forestry, and Communities
To help rural areas analyze and assess forest resource opportunities, maximize local economic potential through market development and expansion, and diversify communities' economic base.


Popular Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game Federal Grants

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