Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game Federal Grants

Showing results 476-500 of 603 for Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Organic Transitions Program
The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those...

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program
This competitive grants program is intended to promote and strengthen the ability of Hispanic-Serving Institutions to carry out higher education programs in the food and agricultural sciences. Programs aim to attract outstanding students and produce...

Agriculture Food and Research Initiative: Food Safety Challenge Area
This AFRI Challenge Area promotes and enhances the scientific discipline of food safety, with an overall aim of protecting consumers from microbial and chemical contaminants that may occur during all stages of the food chain, from production to...

Higher Education Challenge Grants Program
Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: (1) address a State, regional, national, or international educational need; (2) involve a creative or non-traditional approach toward addressing that need that can serve as a...

Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants Program
The Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA) program seeks to: (a) promote and strengthen secondary education and two-year postsecondary education in agriscience and...

Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program (ANNH)
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs. NIFA intends...

Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase II
See the 2014 USDA SBIR request for applications (RFA) by clicking the RFA link on the table below. Funds may be awarded up to $450,000 for Phase II projects. All Phase II projects must have previously completed a successful USDA Phase I project...

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Foundational Program
The AFRI Foundational Program is offered to support research grants in the six AFRI priority areas to continue building a foundation of knowledge critical for solving current and future societal challenges. The six priority areas are: Plant Health...

Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Insular Area Institutions to carry out teaching and education programs within a broadly defined arena of food and agricultural sciences-related disciplines. By strengthening...

Distance Education Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas (DEG)
The purpose of this program is strengthen the capacity of Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences through distance education...

Local Partner's Policy Engagement Activity
The purpose of this Annual program Statement (APS) is to announce USAID/Uganda's plans to fund a limited number of awards to local organisations in two priority areas in the agriculture sector: (1) agriculture policy engement and (2) climate change...

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program
The purpose of the BRAG program is to support the generation of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies in making science-based decisions about the effects of introducing into the environment genetically engineered organisms...

AFRI NIFA Fellowships Grant Program
The FY 2014 AFRI NIFA Fellowship RFA focuses on developing the next generation of research, education, and extension professionals in the food and agricultural sciences who will lead agriculture into the future by solving current and future...

Improving agricultural practices to protect Dominican Republic watersheds
This is not a request for applications. It is a survey to identify potential sources. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is performing this market survey to determine if there are an adequate number of organizations...

Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund is soliciting proposals for the conservation of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii) throughout their range...

Cooperative Agreement to Support the Food and Agriculture Organization (U01)
The overall goal of FAO's Food Safety and Quality Unit (AGN is to improve systems of food safety and quality management, based on scientific principles, that lead to reduced foodborne illness and support fair and transparent trade thereby...

Agricultural Management Assistance Organic Certification Cost-Share Program FY 2013
This Organic Certification Cost-Share Program is part of the Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) Program authorized under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (FCIA), as amended, (7 U.S.C. 1524). Under the applicable FCIA provisions, the Department...

FY 2013 Plants
The Mission of the Plant Materials Program is the development and delivery of plant science technology to meet the NationÂ’s natural resources conservation needs to find plant solutions to solve conservation problems. The purpose of Plant...

Department of Defense Child Care Curriculum
USDA/NIFA and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy seek to implement a DoD CCCD that is high quality, research- and evidence-based, comprehensive, developmentally appropriate and cost-effective for...

National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grant Program
This grant program supports: (1) training students for Master's and doctoral degrees in food, agricultural and natural resource sciences, and; (2) Special International Study or Thesis/Dissertation Research Travel Allowances (IRTA) for eligible USDA...

Assistance in NRCS Program Delivery
NRCS delivers conservation technical assistance through its voluntary Conservation Technical Assistance Program (CTA). Conservation technical assistance is the help provided to land users to address opportunities, concerns, and problems related to...

Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program
The purpose of this competitive undergraduate scholarship grant program is to increase the multicultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional workforce, and advance the educational achievement of all Americans by...

The U.S. Forest Service is providing leadership and funding on behalf of a USDA, multiagency, Wood-To-Energy Initiative by offering a Request for Proposals for projects that support collaborative, statewide wood energy teams that advance the...

Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk 4-H Military Partnership Program
The mission of the CYFAR 4-H Military Partnership Project is to marshal resources of the Land-grant Cooperative Extension System in collaboration with other organizations to develop and deliver educational programs to equip military-connected youth...

Port of Spain Embassy Fiscal Year 2014- Request for Proposals
The Embassy of the United States of America in Port of Spain seeks to fund creative and sustainable projects which contain a U.S. component and will aid in societal and institutional growth. The Embassy invites organizations meeting the outlined...


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