Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game Federal Grants
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226-250 of 603 for Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Agriculture, Forestry and Fish & Game federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To address impacts of the Central Valley Project (CVP) on fish, wildlife, and associated habitats in the Trinity River basin of California by protecting, restoring, and enhancing such habitats and to address other identified adverse environmental...
To improve communications with anglers, boaters, and the general public regarding angling and boating opportunities, to reduce barriers to participation in these activities, to advance adoption of sound fishing and boating practices, to promote...
To provide technical and financial assistance to identify, conserve, manage, and enhance the natural, historical, and cultural resources and physical infrastructure of the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS); deliver public access and...
To provide economic and other social science information and analysis for public and private decisions on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America. ERS produces such information for use by the general public and to help the executive...
To reduce the incidence of foodborne illnesses associated with meat, poultry, and egg products and to protect the food supply. FSIS is authorized to use cooperative agreements to reflect a relationship between FSIS and cooperators to carry out...
Facilitate the development of organic agriculture production, breeding, and processing methods. Functionally identify soil microbial communities and ways to manage microbial dynamics to enhance nutrient cycling and disease suppression; Develop...
To help agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income...
The purposes of the grants are: to promote healthy watersheds and reduce the threat of large, high intensity wildfires, insect infestation, and disease in the forests in New Mexico; to improve the functioning of forest ecosystems and enhance plant...
Protect and manage non-Federal forest and tree resources from damaging forest insects, disease causing agents, and invasive plants; develop/improve forest health protection technologies; and monitor the health of our nation's forests.
To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to finance the construction, refurbishing and servicing of individually-owned household water well and/or wastewater systems in rural areas for individuals with low or moderate income.
To encourage community-oriented connectivity by providing grants to eligible applicants who will deploy broadband transmission service in rural communities where such service does not currently exist; who will connect all critical community...
To assist landowners and operators in restoring and protecting eligible grazing lands, including rangeland, pastureland and certain other lands through rental contracts and easements.
The CSP provides financial and technical assistance to promote the conservation and improvement of soil, water, air, energy, plant and animal life, and other conservation purposes on Tribal and private working lands. Working lands include cropland,...
The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides funding to support community-based organizations in their efforts to collaborate and partner with local stakeholder groups (e.g., local businesses...
Improve global food production and marketing by transferring technical skills of the U.S. agricultural community to farmers in participating countries. The purpose of the program is to assist farmers in increasing food production and distribution,...
To protect and restore the agricultural (cropland and rangeland) resources on trust lands and facilitate the development of renewable agricultural resources.
The Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program provides funding directly to community-based organizations for projects that help residents of underserved communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues. The...
To effectively identify and protect environmentally important forest areas threatened by conversion to nonforest uses, through the use of conservation easements or fee simple purchase. The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) is a voluntary private land...
To provide financial assistance for research and development projects that will provide information for the full and wise use and enhancement of fishery resources in the Southeast U. S. Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic beginning with the State...
The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program implements the natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation mission of the National Park Service in communities across America.
Provide direct technical assistance to Forest Service, state foresters, tribes, public and private organizations regarding new and emerging wood utilization technologies and products to effectively manage forests and extend the most efficient and...
The purpose of the Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian- Serving Institutions program is to promote equity and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out...
To promote and enable the long-term active management of non-industrial private and other non-federal forest land to sustain the multiple values and uses that depend on such lands.
To provide timely and accurate information on prices, demand, movement, volume, and quality on all major U.S. agricultural commodities to state departments of agriculture.
The Transportation Services program develops and promotes efficient agriculture transportation systems to help improve farm income, expand exports and meet the needs of rural America. The program provides technical and administrative direction,...