The US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (USACE) intends to award a cooperative agreement to provide training and education in land stewardship and restoration on USACE lands and waters in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Responsibilities include restoration and management of native prairie landscapes and wildlife habitat on USACE project lands while providing guidance and training to youth in the community. Work will mainly focus on recreation area improvements and land stewardship tasks that include but are not limited to prairie and habitat restoration, nursery and greenhouse maintenance, fence building, and invasive species control. The cooperative agreement will be awarded pursuant to 33 USC 2339(a) – Assistance Programs. The locations for work performed under this agreement will vary between the Rogue River Basin projects, the Willamette Valley projects, and The Columbia River Projects (including Bonneville Lock and Dam, The Dalles Lock and Dam, John Day Lock and Dam, and Willow Creek Reservoir). Location of services will be specified per task order.