Welfare and Social Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1-14 of 14 for Welfare and Social Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Welfare and Social Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
The objective of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is to make awards available to States, the District of Columbia, US Territories, and Native American Tribes and Tribal organizations for the purpose of assisting eligible...

Medical Assistance Program
To provide financial assistance to States for payments of medical assistance on behalf of cash assistance recipients, children, pregnant women, and the aged who meet income and resource requirements, and other categorically-eligible groups. In...

Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
To provide financial assistance to States to support services for individuals who are suffering from serious mental illness or serious mental illness and substance abuse; and are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Programs and...

Refugee and Entrant Assistance Discretionary Grants
The objectives of these discretionary programs include: (1) building capacity for the placement of refugees in locations with good opportunities and providing specialized case management for vulnerable cases; (2) assisting low-income refugees with...

Services to Indian Children, Elderly and Families
To provide funds to Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments to administer welfare assistance programs for both American Indian adults and children; to support caseworkers and counselors; and to support tribal programs to reduce the incidence...

Social Security Research and Demonstration
(1) To conduct social, economic, and demographic research on topics important to the Social Security Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs and the current and future well-being of their...

Social Services Research and Demonstration
The Social Services Research and Demonstration program (SSRD) was authorized to promote research and demonstration projects related to the prevention and reduction of dependency, or to improve the administration and effectiveness of programs...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
To provide grants to States and the District of Columbia, Territories, and Indian Tribes to assist needy families with children so that children can be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives; end the dependence of needy parents on...

U.S. Repatriation
The U.S. Repatriation Program was established to provide temporary assistance to private U.S. citizens and their dependents identified by the Department of State (DOS) as having returned from a foreign country to the U.S. because of (1) destitution,...

Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations and National Studies
The objectives of Welfare Research (WR) are to support research, evaluation, and technical assistance related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. This includes research on the effect of State TANF programs on employment,...

Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund
The Mandatory and Matching portion (or Child Care Entitlement or CCE) of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program consists of Mandatory funds (which are 100% federal) and Matching funds (which require a State match and maintenance of...

Payments to Territories – Adults
To provide aid in the form of cash benefits for food, clothing, shelter, and/or other essentials to the aged, blind, and the permanently disabled in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Community Services Block Grant Discretionary Awards-Community Food and Nutrition
To provide for community-based, local, statewide and national programs which: (1) Coordinate existing private and public food assistance resources to better serve low-income populations, whenever such coordination is determined to be inadequate; (2)...

Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals
The purpose of the JOLI program is to create new jobs to be filled by low-income individuals. JOLI grantees create jobs through business plans and the provision of technical and/or financial assistance to private employers in the community. ...


Federal Grants Resources