This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the Bureau of Reclamation’s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition. In 2010, Reclamation and Trout Unlimited – Idaho Water Project (TU-IWP) entered into Cooperative Agreement whereby TU-IWP, as Project Sponsor, would: 1) identify projects and locations within the Upper Salmon Region, Lemhi and Upper Salmon Subbasins (Subbasin) that can be addressed to improve endangered and threatened fish species in support of Reclamation’s tributary habitat program; 2) coordinate and encourage private and public entities to participate and partner in these projects; and 3) provide post-project evaluation to help determine the effectiveness of each activity. As of a result of this effort, TU-IWP has identified three new projects within the Subbasin which will lead to stream habitat improvements and benefit anadramous fisheries. In addition, the need for continuing with the development and coordination effort is on-going; however, the 2010 agreement will be closed soon. Therefore, this new Cooperative Agreement will allow TU-IWP to continue to act as Project Sponsor to develop and coordinate habitat improvement projects in the Upper Salmon Basin through 2014.