The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) is seeking applications from non-profit institutions of higher education to operate National, Regional and Tier 1 University Transportation Centers (UTCs or Centers). The purpose of these Centers is to advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many modes and disciplines comprising transportation through the mechanisms of research, education, and technology transfer; to provide a critical transportation knowledge base outside the US DOT; and to address vital workforce needs for the next generation of transportation leaders. To accomplish this purpose, RITA plans to competitively select and fund for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 (subject to availability of funds): Five National UTCs, up to $3.0 million per Center per fiscal year; Ten Regional UTCs, one of which must be dedicated to comprehensive transportation safety, up to $2.75 million per Center per fiscal year; and up to 20 Tier 1 UTCs, up to $1.5 million per Center per fiscal year. A UTC must be located in the United States or territories. It may be a single university or a consortium of two or more universities. Each Center is required to obtain matching funds from non-federal sources. National and Regional UTCs must obtain matching funds in an amount at least equal to the US DOT grant amount. The match for Tier 1 UTCs is 50 percent, of the amount of the UTC grant, with an exemption for demonstration of financial hardship (see Exhibit A, Institutional Financial Hardship Form) by the applicant institution. These funds may be expended up to September 30, 2017.