Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting


The Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (Tribal MIECHV) is administered by The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Early Childhood Development (ECD), in collaboration with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Assistance is available to eligible Tribes (or consortia of Tribes), Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations, to strengthen and improve maternal and child health programs, improve service coordination for at-risk communities, and identify and provide comprehensive evidence-based home visiting services to families who reside in at-risk communities through implementing evidence-based home visiting. The goals of the Tribal MIECHV program are to: support the development of happy, healthy, and successful American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) children and families through a coordinated home visiting strategy that addresses critical maternal and child health, development, early learning, family support, and child abuse and neglect prevention needs; implement high-quality, culturally-relevant, evidence-based home visiting programs in AIAN communities; expand the evidence base around home visiting interventions with Native populations; and support and strengthen cooperation and coordination and promote linkages among various early childhood programs, resulting in coordinated, comprehensive early childhood systems. The ACF, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE), is administering Tribal Research Center for Early Childhood Development and Systems (TRCECS). The TRCECS provides leadership and collaboration to promote excellence in community-based participatory research and evaluation of ACF early childhood initiatives that serve tribal communities. The 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (P.L. 117-2) dedicated funds for entities that are conducting a MIECHV program as of the date of enactment of the legislation and can be used for provision of home visiting services (including virtual visits), and training staff in conducting virtual home visits, and increase the number of at-risk families receiving home visiting services during the pandemic and ensure that current and additional families are able to obtain basic necessities.

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Administration For Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
B - Project Grants
Program Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2016 It is estimated that 20 grants will be awarded in FY 2016 under a new competition for $8,870,000 It is estimated the 1 award will be made for the TRCEC under a new competition of which an estimated $250,000 will come from Tibal MIECHV. 19 grants were awarded in FY2016 under the new competition for a total of $8,366,000 and $250,000 of Tribal MIECHV funds were awarded for the TRCEC.
Fiscal Year 2017 In FY2017,19 grants were awarded for $8,870,000. One award was made for the TRCEC in FY2017 for $250,000 and came from Tribal MIECHV.
Fiscal Year 2018 $12,000,000 was awarded in FY2018.
Fiscal Year 2019 $12,092,145 was awarded in FY 2019 for 23 non-competing continuation grants .
Fiscal Year 2020 $12,000,000 was awarded for 23 non-competing continuation grants in FY 2020.
Fiscal Year 2021 In FY21, $12,000,000 was awarded for 23 non-competing continuation grants and $3,724,381 in ARP supplements was awarded to recipients.
Fiscal Year 2022 In FY22, $14,910,449.94 was obligated overall, with 12 million in non-competing continuations plus an additional $775,619.34 in ARP supplements were awarded to current recipients. In addition, $2,134,830.62 was awarded to new recipients through NOFO HHS-2022-ACF-OCC-TH-0074.
Fiscal Year 2023 It is estimated that $24,500,000 will be awarded due to MIECHV reauthorization and an increase of the Tribal MIECHV set aside from 3% to 6% through NOFO's HHS-2023-ACF-ECD-TH-0241 and HHS-2023-ACF-ECD-TH-0187 .
The Social Security Act, Title V, § 511 (42 U.S.C. § 711(j)(1)(H), as funded and extended by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub.L. 115-123).
2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Public Law 117-2
Section 511(h)(2)(A) of Title V of the Social Security Act, as funded and extended by, Title Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, Section Social Security Act, Title V, section 511(h)(2)(A) (42 U.S.C. 711(h)(2)(A)), Public Law 117-328
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
Specifically: Only Tribes (or a consortium of Indian Tribes), Tribal Organizations, or Urban Indian Organizations, as defined by Section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Public Law 94-437, are eligible applicants for the Tribal MIECHV Program. For the TRCECS, eligibility is open to public and private entities that include state, city, and local governments; public, private, and state-controlled institutions of higher education; private, non-profit organizations with, and without, 501(c)(3) IRS tax status; Native American tribal governments (federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations; and for-profit organizations. Applications from individuals (including sole proprietorships) and foreign entities are not eligible. Faith-based and community organizations that meet the eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Eligible families in at-risk AIAN communities include pregnant women, expectant fathers, parents, and primary caregivers of children aged birth through kindergarten entry, including grandparents or other relatives of the child, foster parents who are serving as the child's primary caregiver, and non-custodial parents who have an ongoing relationship with, and at times provide physical care for, the child. Specifically: o Eligible families residing in at-risk American Indian/Alaskan Native communities in need of such services, as identified in a needs assessment; o Low-income eligible families; o Eligible families who are pregnant women under age 21; o Eligible families with a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare services; o Eligible families with a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment; o Eligible families that have users of tobacco products in the home; o Eligible families that are or have children with low student achievement; o Eligible families with children with developmental delays or disabilities; and o Eligible families who, or that include individuals serving or formerly serving in the Armed Forces, including those with members who have had multiple deployments outside the US. Eligible family: o A woman who is pregnant, and the father of the child if available, or o A parent or primary caregiver of the child, including grandparents or other relatives and foster parents serving as the child's primary caregiver from birth until kindergarten entry, including a noncustodial parent with an ongoing relationship with, and at times provides physical care for the child.
Applicants should review the individual ACF Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) issued under this program for any required proof or certifications of education and/or training which must be submitted with the application package.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is not applicable.
Application Procedure
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. Applicants may find and apply to NOFOs on
Award Procedure
Each application will be screened to determine whether it meets any of the disqualifying factors: missing the application deadline, required electronic submission or waiver requested and approved, or exceeding the Award Ceiling. Disqualified applications are considered to be "non-responsive" and are excluded from the competitive review process. Applications competing for financial assistance will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using only the criteria described in the NOFO. Each panel is composed of experts with knowledge and experience in the area under review. Generally, review panels include three reviewers and one chairperson. Results of the competitive objective review are taken into consideration by ACF in the selection of projects for funding; however, objective review scores and rankings are not binding. Scores and rankings are only one element used in the award decision-making process. If identified in Section I. Program Description, ACF reserves the right to consider preferences to fund organizations serving emerging, unserved, or under-served populations, including those populations located in pockets of poverty. ACF reserves the right to evaluate applications in the larger context of the overall portfolio by considering geographic distribution of federal funds (e.g., ensuring coverage of states, counties, or service areas) in its pre-award decisions. ACF will complete a review of risk posed by applicants as described in 45 CFR 75.205. ACF may elect not to fund applicants with management or financial problems that would indicate an inability to successfully complete the proposed project. In addition, ACF may elect to not allow a prime recipient to subaward if there is any indication that they are unable to properly monitor and management subrecipient. Applications may be funded in whole or in part. Successful applicants may be funded at an amount lower than requested. In addition, federal staff will conduct an administrative review of the applications and the results of the competitive review and will make recommendations. No award will be made under this funding opportunity on the basis of an incomplete application. TRECS is funded under three statutory authorities. Consistent with the Tribal MIECHV statutory authority: the Tribal MIECHV funds ($250,000) will be devoted to (a) activities to promote excellence in research and evaluation of MIECHV programs in tribal communities and (b) measurement development activities that will expand the evidence base around home visiting programs for AIAN populations.
Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
From 60 to 90 days.
There is no appeal process for unsuccessful applicants. For existing recipients, appeals in regards to disputes may take place in accordance with 45 CFR Part 16, subject to the limitations of the Appendix A.
Non-competing continuations will be issued based on availability of funds, satisfactory progress, compliance with terms and conditions and a determination that continuation funding is in the best interest of the federal government.
How are proposals selected?
Applications will be evaluated based upon the criteria published in each NOFO.
How may assistance be used?
Uses: Assistance for the Tribal MIECHV Program will be used to: conduct a needs assessment that considers community characteristics and the quality and capacity of existing home visiting programs and other supportive services; is coordinated with other relevant needs assessments; and involves community stakeholders as appropriate; collaborative planning efforts to address identified needs by developing capacity and infrastructure; providing high-quality, evidence-based home visiting services to pregnant women and families with young children aged birth to kindergarten entry; establishing, measuring, and reporting on progress toward meeting performance measures in six legislatively-mandated benchmark areas; and conducting or participating in rigorous evaluation activities. Consistent with statutory authority, Home Visiting funds for the TRCECS will be used to: (a) Identify and consult with researchers and tribal community leaders, and consult with federal/national partners (including ACF and HRSA) who have been involved in conducting research and evaluation on home visiting in tribal communities; (b) Establish a national network of partnerships that provide a peer learning environment among tribes, researchers, and practitioners (e.g., program directors, teachers, home visiting staff) on issues related to the research and evaluation of MIECHV programs in tribal communities. This includes initiation, facilitation, and sustainment of activities that link partnerships and promote peer learning; (c) Identify, validate, and/or develop measures of culturally meaningful proximal and distal outcomes of Tribal MIECHV (e.g., measures related to native language development; measures of child well-being; parent/provider interaction and family relationships; measures of implementation in tribal contexts; measures of collaboration and systems building in tribal contexts; measures of parenting stress and trauma; measures of organizational/systems functioning in tribal contexts); (d) Provide training or career development opportunities for early career scientists with interdisciplinary expertise relevant to Tribal MIECHV, as well as for Tribal MIECHV staff who want to increase their understanding of and experience with research; and (e) Provide forums to increase cultural competence and sensitivity to tribal voices in research and evaluation of Tribal MIECHV.
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: Recipients under the Tribal MIECHV program must collect, analyze, use, and report data on program implementation and improvements for eligible families participating in the program in the legislatively-mandated benchmark areas of: I) improved maternal, newborn, and child health; II) prevention of child injuries, child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment, and reduction of emergency room visits; III) improvements in school readiness and child academic achievement; IV) reductions in crime or domestic violence; V) improvements in family economic self-sufficiency; and VI) improvements in the coordination and referrals for other community resources and supports. Recipients will also collect and report on demographic and service utilization and service capacity, place-based services, family engagement, and staffing data. Performance progress reports are required using the SF-PPR ACF Performance Progress Report. The frequency of reporting will be listed in the NOFO and in the award terms and conditions. For more information, see:
45 CFR Part 75 Subpart F applies to this program.
All records are to be maintained in accordance with 45 CFR 75.361-365.
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formula is not applicable to this assistance listing.

Matching requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Tribal MIECHV cooperative agreements are generally awarded for a 5-year project period. In the first year of the project, awards will be made on a competitive basis. Pending successful completion of Year 1 activities, submission of a plan that meets requirements, and approval of this plan, applications will be considered on a noncompetitive continuation basis for Years 2-5 subject to availability of funds, satisfactory progress of the recipient , and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the Federal Government. Awards will be for 12-month budget periods with a 5-year project period. The project period for the TRCECS will be 5 years. Funds awarded to recipients under this program will be made available for expenditure through the end of the second succeeding fiscal year after award. Post award, the Division of Payment Management will establish an account from which a recipient may draw down award funds. Tribal MIECHV cooperative agreements are generally awarded for a 5-year project period.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
None/Not specified.
Headquarters Office
Anne Bergan
Mary E. Switzer Building
330 C Street, SW, Suite 3014F

Washington , DC 20201 US
Phone: 2022608515
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Cooperative Agreements) FY 22$12,000,000.00; FY 23 est $20,146,301.00; FY 24 est $30,475,000.00; FY 21$12,000,000.00; FY 20$12,000,000.00; FY 19$12,092,145.00; FY 18$12,000,000.00; FY 17$8,870,000.00; - (Cooperative Agreements) FY 22$775,619.00; FY 23 est $0.00; FY 24 est $0.00; FY 21$3,724,381.00; FY 20$0.00; - American Rescue Plan Act funds were allocated in FY22.(Cooperative Agreements) FY 22$2,134,830.00; FY 23 est $4,353,698.00; FY 24 est $0.00; - Tribal MIECHV new recipients
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
In FY22, the range of funding was $250,000-$895,000 per budget period for Tribal MIECHV awards. For the TRECS, the range of funding is up to $650,000 per budget period (across all funding sources), $250,000 of which comes under the authorization of the Tribal MIECHV program.
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
Examples of Funded Projects
Not applicable.


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