The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a cooperative agreement for a 12-month period to begin no later than September 15, 2014. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve the production of a 45-60 minute high-end, broadcast quality DVD to provide information specific to the implementation on NICÂ’s Transition From Jails To Community (TJC) Initiative. Developed for correction staff and stakeholders, this DVD will illustrate the nine modules of the on-line TJC Toolkit based on the key components of the Model, and incorporate narration, interviews, graphics, and footage from TJC learning sites. The major deliverables associated with this project include, but are not limited to an edited 45-60 minute segmented broadcast-ready DVD, pre-recorded video clips to enhance the instructional value of the DVD (to include footage/testimonies from at least two TJC learning sites, production storyboard and/or scripts, notes from all production planning sessions with NIC staff and subject matter experts(to include a 2 and one-half day production planning session and phone/web-based conferences leading up to the production). This project will be a collaborative venture with the NIC Community Service Division.