OVERVIEW: Increase public awareness of American Indian cultural heritage, with primary emphasis on the preservation of the pipestone pipe making culture, and the perpetuation of other forms of Pipestone carvings representative of American Indian cultures. STATEMENT OF JOINT OBJECTIVES/PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN: To enhance and foster the public visitors understanding and appreciation of the contemporary and historic American Indian use and significance of the pipestone quarries. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT: Provide American Indian demonstrators who will be interpreters and educators to the visiting public concerning items such as: the quarrying and carving of pipestone/catlinite, the history and significant of the location. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT: Participate and collaborate jointly with PISA, maintain daily contact with PISA in reviewing the program and addressing issues, if needed, provide daily monitoring of demonstrator activities including auditing of the program with visitors, provide daily NPS maintenance of the demonstrator booths, and on occasion request special demonstration program to be presented by a demonstrator during normal business hours which may include a quarry tour, carving demonstration in the community etc. NPS did not solicit full and open competition for this award based the following criteria: The Pipestone Indian Shrine Association (PISA) purpose is to maintain, promote, and protect the American Indian culture and history. PISA is located in the NPS visitor center and is able to oversee the day to day activities of the demonstrators and ensures only American Indianâ₏™s with unique experience/background in quarrying, pipe making etc. are hired to provide the demonstrations and programs on the American Indian culture, history on the significance of the location and pipe making.