This opportunity seeks to find a Cooperator through a Cooperative Agreement to work with the Service in the Northeast Region, the Appalachian and North Atlantic LCCs and their partners to advance implementation of SHC for the benefit of wildlife and other natural resources for the American people. The approach to conservation that Science Applications and the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives undertake involves close collaboration in developing shared conservation priorities with our partners. Partners include federal and state agencies, tribes, organizations and universities whose missions overlap to some degree with the Service, but who also extend the reach and impact of the activities we jointly support. In such a way, our investments fully benefit the resources and ecosystem services the public cares about. The Recipient helps build and bridge important relationships with stakeholders, including state agencies, tribes, non-governmental organizations, universities, conservation partnerships and private contractors to help ensure desired outcomes are achieved. The elements of SHC include: Ecological Planning, Conservation Design, Science Delivery, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Information Management, Communication and Outreach and Coordination and Organization. LCC priorities are determined by LCC steering committees and guided by LCC Strategic/Operational Plans.