Sources Sought Notice Purpose/Objective The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Haiti is performing a market analysis to identify potential Haitian organizations interested in and capable of providing organizational development capacity building training to local Haitian civil society and private sector organizations working with communal governments in the West, North, North-east and Artibonite departments, otherwise commonly known as the USG development corridors. USAID is working closely with many local Haitian civil society organizations in these areas, and would like to expand the number of Haitian organizations working on local governance oversight and reform to be able to receive direct funding from USAID or other donors. Please be informed that this Notice for Sources Sought is not a request for proposals, proposal abstracts, or quotations. Project Requirements There are two mains sectors of the local governance oversight and reform capacity development program: 1.) Provide appropriate organizational development training to local Haitian organizations, (including, USAID partners, sub-partners, and non-partners), in the areas of planning and strategic management, program design and implementation, human resource development, financial management, fundraising and resource mobilization, governance, monitoring and evaluation, leadership development, administrative management, and USAID policies and procedures. 2.) Provide support to strengthen civil society organizations’ capacity so that they can successfully execute the following tasks: a.) develop and advocate for development objectives at all levels of government, especially the local level; (b) empower local government officials through their collaboration with civil society and the national government; (c) develop citizen awareness of government activities; (d) channel citizen and private sector concerns of public service priorities and annual municipal budgets; (e) community level media campaigns on the roles and responsibilities of government; and (f) provide governmental oversight. Submission Guidelines Interested organizations should submit a statement addressing the following points: • Capacity of your organization to perform the work described above; • Description of past clients (governmental, non-governmental); and • Proof of registration and certification as a local Haitian non-governmental organization. Responses should not exceed three (3) single-sided pages and may be submitted in English or French language. Please submit electronically the response by Friday, June 27, 2014 at 17:00 (Port au Prince Local Time) to: Amy McQuade, Contracting Officer, at: All responses must be received by the specified due date and time. All interested parties are highly encouraged to register on and to receive automatic notification of amendments to this Sources Sought Notice. Disclaimer and Important Notices The Notice does not obligate USAID to award a contract or grant or otherwise pay for the information provided in the response. USAID reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose deemed necessary and legally appropriate. Respondents are advised that USAID is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted. After a review of the responses received, a pre-solicitation synopsis and solicitation may be published on the Federal Business Opportunities website, or Federal Grants Opportunities, Responses to this notice will not be considered responses to a solicitation.