Scientific Research Scientific and Technical Resources Federal Grants
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1-4 of 4 for Scientific Research Scientific and Technical Resources federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Scientific Research Scientific and Technical Resources federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To support through grants and cooperative agreements, enduring partnerships between the Federal government and institutions of research and higher education for cooperative science and education on marine issues, especially living marine resources...
To strengthen the communication and improve the impact of hurricane, flood, and wildfire forecast modeling through the use of state of the art and emerging research and technologies within the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information...
To provide grants and cooperative agreements for biological, economic, sociological, public policy, and other research and administration projects to benefit U.S. fisheries industries and contribute to the economic and social welfare of the Nation;...
The development of commercially feasible technology for high-value marine finfish in the United States. The ultimate goal of the Hawaiian Fisheries Development project is to increase the availability of marine finfish for aquaculture and stock...