Sacramento River Salmonid Passage Model for Data Assessment in Real Time


The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to University of Washington under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.517, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Public Law 85-624, 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq., as amended, and Section 7(a) of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) (70 Stat 1122; 16 U.S.C. 742f(a)), as limited and delegated by the Secretary of the Interior delegation of authority to the Bureau of Reclamation at 255 DM 1.1B, Section (3). Estimated total amount of agreement is $385,110.00. Reclamation is providing $385,110.00 in Fiscal Year 2015. The objectives of the project are to: 1) Develop or convert an existing fish passage models to forecast juvenile salmonid movement and abundance patterns in the Sacramento River and Delta; and 2) Develop and implement a spatially referenced data inventory, Data Access in Real Time (SacDART) query system and website using open-source applications and tools to further research efforts to provide regionally integrated, publicly accessible datasets; and 3) Provide monitoring, evaluation, and data products and services to predict, track, and evaluate the efficacy of proposed or actual actions during Water Year 2016 and 2017. (Refer to the Notice of Intent to Award Announcement No. R15AN20022 for additional information) A Determination by the Government not to compete this proposed financial assistance based upon Departmental Manual 505 DM 2, paragraph 2.14(B)(4) is solely within the discretion of the Government. This notice of intent is NOT a request for competitive proposals. Questions concerning this announcement should be directed to Megan Bryant/Grants Management Specialist, by e-mail at

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Deleted 06/13/2015 (Archived.)
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Agency: Department of the Interior
Office: Bureau of Reclamation
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
Cooperative Agreement
Number of Awards Available
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
This program does not have cost sharing or matching requirements.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Headquarters Office
Megan Bryant
Grants Management Specialist
E-mail Address
Financial Information
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Awards range from $387,563.00 to $387,563.00


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