This announcement solicits applications for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program National HIV Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements. The purpose of this National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement initiative is to fund a group of organizations to undertake a series of activities to provide support to grantees, providers, and consumers served by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP).  These activities will support several program focus areas intended to enhance access to and quality of HIV clinical care and care completion services for underserved persons with HIV disease.  Activities are concentrated in three program focus areas Technical Assistance Resources Guidance, Education, and Training (TARGET); Data and Reporting Technical Assistance (DART); and Fiscal Management. The goal of the TARGET Center is to provide a central place for TA products that addresses the needs of HIV/AIDS care providers. The purpose of DART is to help targeted grantee organizations to collect, store, and retrieve client level data for program reporting, evaluation, and quality improvement. Finally, the purpose of the fiscal management technical assistance is to ensure the fiscal sustainability of RWHAP-funded grantees. This is accomplished by building organizational fiscal management capacity, diversifying and improving income streams, and developing and enhancing operational fiscal systems This is to be accomplished through the provision of training and technical assistance, which is defined as the identification of need for, and delivery of, practical program and technical support to the RWHAP community.  Training and technical assistance is intended to maximally assist grantees, planning bodies, funded providers, affected communities, and individuals living with HIV infection to design and deliver HIV care programs and to align with new health care coverage options under the Affordable Care Act.  This includes assistance designing, implementing, and evaluating community-based primary care treatment and care completion services that are supported by the RWHAP. Training and technical assistance is provided through a variety of strategic approaches and dissemination strategies including: individualized and on-site peer and expert consultation, reverse site visits/preceptorships, ·ongoing consultative relationships, ·national and/or regional meetings, conference calls and webinars, development of products and training curricula in hard copy or web-based, and Email list serves and other means of regular communications and information dissemination. These three training and technical assistance program focus areas have been identified by HAB through a rigorous and comprehensive assessment process described fully in the Background section.  It is the intention of HAB to support at least one cooperative agreement in each of the following program focus areas for training and technical assistance: Technical Assistance Resources Guidance, Education, and Training (TARGET) Center Data and Reporting Technical Assistance (DART) Fiscal Management In keeping with HAB¿s intent to fund one cooperative agreement in each program focus area, each application must address a single area.  Organizations, should they choose, may make multiple applications, each addressing a different program focus area.  Collaborations via subcontracts or memoranda of understanding to secure specific expertise are encouraged.  All applicants will be reviewed utilizing the same set of review criteria as described in section V.1.