The Stockton Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Anadromous Fish Restoration Program (AFRP) intends to award the South Yuba River Citizen's League (SYRCL) a single source grant in accordance with Section 3407(e) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA). AFRP will provide $28,620 to SYRCL to fund monitoring activities related to the Hammon Bar Riparian Restoration Pilot project on located on the lower Yuba River, California.The USFWS intends to award a single source grant because the award supports the continuation of ongoing work and because SYRCL is uniquely qualified to accomplish these activities due to technical expertise and familiarity with all aspects of the project purpose, design, implementation, and monitoring.SYRCL will oversee this funding and work with project partners to complete the post-project monitoring for this project. AFRP will continue to contribute fisheries and permitting expertise to the SYRCL project team. The goal of this pilot project is to evaluate the growth and survival of riparian trees planted using two different methods on a point bar. Information obtained would be used to implement future riparian enhancement intended specifically to improve juvenile salmonid rearing habitat on the lower Yuba River.