This is NOT a request for applications; this is an announcement that an award has already been designated for URI for their work on spatial analysis of resource data to address the larger central objective of analyzing resource management issues within a scientific geospatial context. The following are a few of several projects on which the Cooperator is working: A. Fire land-use history for GATE is a continuation of the Gateway NRA Fire GeoDatabase Project to better understand fire occurrence and management within Gateway NRA, including: 1. The organization and consolidation of all surviving fire reports for the park from 1974 to 1991. 2.These reports were then used to continue populating the existing Fire Geodatabase for Gateway, which includes both Burn Area polygons and Point of Origin feature classes for each wildfire. 3. Data from this time period was then analyzed to determine spatial distribution. 4. Creation of a report to summarize findings of the historical fires within the park. B. Accuracy Assessment of Remote Sensing of Vegetation at Cape Cod NS. 1. Evaluating suitability of alternative satellite sensors to detect land cover change, especially in transition zones between vegetation types, an issue not fully resolved in earlier phases. C. Investigation of LiDAR for Revealing Archaeological Sites at Morristown National Historical Park. 1. Determine whether dense data clouds of LiDAR measurements can discern previously undetected buried archaeological features based on subtle patterns of slight elevation changes that are not easily detected by eye or by other source of terrain information. D. Consolidate, review and make recommendations based on results of the small park initiatives. 1. Assess Open Source EGIS Technology 2. Evaluate a specific subset of the technical tools designed for this end used in the NPS and made recommendations for operational use in the NER small parks. This includes specific related functionality provided in the mobile computing environment, data formats, and Internet mapping platforms.