Railroad Crossing Elimination


The goals of the Program are (1) to eliminate highway-rail grade crossings that are frequently blocked by trains; (2) to improve the health and safety of communities; (3) to reduce the impacts that freight movement and railroad operations may have on underserved communities; and (4) to improve the mobility of people and goods.

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
B - Project Grants
Program Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2022 In FY 2022, FRA published the first Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) under the program, making approximately $573 million available.
Fiscal Year 2023 In FY 2023, FRA anticipates publishing a NOFO to solicit projects for funding appropriated for FY 2023. FRA also announced 63 project selections under the FY 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Fiscal Year 2024 In FY 2024, FRA anticipates publishing a NOFO to solicit projects for funding appropriated for FY 2024. FRA will also announce projects selections under the FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58,
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
The following entities are eligible to receive a grant: (1) A State, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other United States territories and possessions; (2) A political subdivision of a State; (3) A federally recognized Indian Tribe; (4) A unit of local government or a group of local governments; (5) A public port authority; (6) A metropolitan planning organization; (7) A group of entities described in any of paragraphs (1) through (6).
Beneficiary Eligibility
Not applicable.
SF424 (Application for Federal Assistance); SF 424A - Budget Information for Non-Construction or SF 424C Budget Information for Construction; SF 424B - Assurances for Non-Construction or SF 424D - Assurances for Construction; FRA's Additional Assurances and Certifications; and SF LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities. Other documents may be required as pre-requisites to funding based on program type; documentation demonstrating applicant eligibility (for applicants other than States); National Environmental Policy Act documentation for construction projects and service development programs; program-specific Assurances and Certifications; planning and engineering documentation. 2 CFR 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles applies to this program.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is required. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Preapplication coordination is required. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review.
Application Procedure
This program is excluded from coverage under 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
Award Procedure
Applications selected for funding will be announced in a press release and on FRA's website after the application review period. FRA will contact applicants with successful applications after announcement with information and instructions about the award process. This notification is not an authorization to begin proposed project activities. A formal grant agreement or cooperative agreement signed by both the grantee and the FRA, including an approved scope, schedule, and budget, is required before the award is considered complete.
Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
FRA is committed to responding to applicants in a reasonable and timely manner. Response times will vary based on size, scope, complexity and volume of applications.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
How are proposals selected?
In awarding grants under the Program, the Secretary shall evaluate the extent to which proposed projects would (A) improve safety at highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossings; (B) grade separate, eliminate, or close highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossings; (C) improve the mobility of people and goods; (D) reduce emissions, protect the environment, and provide community benefits, including noise reduction; (E) improve access to emergency services; (F) provide economic benefits; and (G) improve access to communities separated by rail crossings.
How may assistance be used?
The Secretary may award a grant under the Program for a highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement project (including acquiring real property interests) involving (1) grade separation or closure, including through the use of a bridge, embankment, tunnel, or combination thereof; (2) track relocation; (3) the improvement or installation of protective devices, signals, signs, or other measures to improve safety, provided that such activities are related to a separation or relocation project described in paragraph (1) or (2); (4) other means to improve the safety and mobility of people and goods at highway-rail grade crossings (including technological solutions); (5) a group of related projects described in paragraphs (1) through (4) that would collectively improve the mobility of people and goods; or (6) the planning, environmental review, and design of an eligible project described in paragraphs (1) through (5).
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: Quarterly and Final Performance Reports
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formula is not applicable to this assistance listing.

Matching is mandatory. 20%. The Federal share of the cost of a project carried out using a grant under the Program may not exceed 80 percent of the total cost of the project. Applicants may count costs incurred for preliminary engineering associated with highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects as part of the total project costs.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
No restriction on period of time the assistance normally is available. Method of awarding/releasing assistance: Assistance is awarded upon request for reimbursement Funding is obligated through cooperative agreements or grants, and outlays occur as reimbursement. Funding will only be obligated and disbursed as milestones are achieved.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
None/Not specified.
Headquarters Office
Matthew Lorah
Chief, Grant & Loan Program Development Division,
Office of Rail Program Development
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590 USA
Phone: 202-579-1074
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Project Grants (Discretionary)) FY 22$0.00; FY 23 est $0.00; FY 24 est $531,000,000.00; FY 21$0.00; - There were no obligations in FY 2022 and no obligations are expected in FY 2023.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
There were no obligations in FY 2022 and no obligations are expected in FY 2023.
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
Not applicable.
Examples of Funded Projects
Not applicable.


Federal Grants Resources