Distance sampling (16 transects; 6x) between October 1, 2012Ă‚ÂżMarch 31, 2013. Use data to determine point estimates of density of deer population, estimates of group size, and group densities. Use data to monitor long-term trends, as a point of comparison if hunting initiated or CWD effects herd in future. The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: As part of accomplishments above, develop study design and methods, collect data, conduct analysis, and prepare report. Final report should include enough detail for replication of methods for use in long-term monitoring program. This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of the Interior Policy 505 DM 2.14 B Continuation and Unique Qualifications, which allows for award without competition to an applicant. Dr. Conard has unique knowledge of deer/CWD and Quivira NWR after years of research, and is able to conduct monitoring with assistance from students partly because of the close proximity of the college to the refuge (15 minutes). He previously worked out of Kansas State University, but transferred to Sterling College in recent years. Thus, a new contract will allow continuance of working with Dr. Conard on deer/CWD and provide a unique opportunity to students of the college in this rural setting. Other college level institutions that have worked with the refuge are about an hour or more distant, and it is not convenient for professors and students to conduct regular monitoring activities. Sterling College in-kind support includes providing a distance sampling coordinator/driver, conference travel expenses, and opportunistic assistance in refuge events that provide local outreach on deer/CWD, Quivira NWR, and telemetry/sampling methodologies.