The purpose of the OnRamp II program is to foster educational partnerships between the Agency and academic institutions to promote the health of a diverse pipeline of students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
National Security Agency, Department of Defense
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
C - Direct Payments For Specified Use
Program Accomplishments
Not applicable.
10 U.S.C. 2192
10 U.S.C. 2194
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
To be eligible, the ultimate beneficiary must be a student at an institution of higher learning with an established Educational Partnership Agreement with the Agency. The candidate must be a student at one of the competitively selected OnRamp II schools with priority given to underrepresented students, including members of minority groups, women, persons with disabilities, and others who traditionally are involved in these fields in disproportionately low numbers.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Must be a student at one of the competitively selected OnRamp II schools with priority given to underrepresented students, including members of minority groups, women, persons with disabilities, and others who traditionally are involved in these fields in disproportionately low numbers.
To be considered for an OnRamp II scholarship at the competitively selected, designated OnRamp II academic instituions, students who are U.S. citizens pursuing a career in Schience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields of study must provide: 1. Resume including: a. Relevant professional experiences such as internships and positions of employment. b. All scholarships, academic honors, STEM student leadership roles, honorary societies, and any other recognition relevant to their field of study since entering college. Any notable contributions to STEM prior to college should also be highlighted. 2. Up-to-date official transcript submitted as an electronic PDF. 3. If applicale, copies of relevant publications and presentations pertaining to the STEM fields such as articles, journal submissions, conference presentations, etc. 4. Two Letters of Recommendation on of which is from a STEM faculty member. 5. Statement that the student is aware of the criteria to obtain a clearance that is required for employment and paid internship. 6. Statement of acknowledgement from student that they will sign the OnRamp II Scholarship Program Service Agreement in return for a service obligation and their desire to be employed by the Agency. Estimate of their academic year expenses - tuition support and education fees, book allowance and school supplies, and professional development.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is not applicable.
Application Procedure
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. Students at competitively selected OnRamp II institutions provides their nomination packages to their respective institutions, who then provides the scholarship nomination packages to the Agency. Competitively selected by the Agency, OnRamp II scholarship participants will then begin security clearance processing via intelligencecareers.gov
Award Procedure
Procedural steps for awarding assistance will be documented in the call for proposal. Applicants to refer to this document. To make certain that the selection of OnRamp II scholarship recipient is fair and equitable; a duly constituted board to review/select the original OnRamp II proposals was established with senior level representatives from each Agency Directorate who will also review the student nomination packages.
Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
From 15 to 30 days.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
How are proposals selected?
Criteria for selecting OnRamp II scholarship recipients: 1. Student must be pursuing a career in Schience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields of study. 2. Student should have at least a 30 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale each semester/quarter and not be on academic probation. 3. Student recommendations from STEM faculty and other supporting references providing a consistent personal perspective on the nominee's strengths and background and likelihood for success with the OnRamp II program. 4. Preference will be given to: a. Underrepresented students, including members of minority groups, women, persons with disabilities, and others who traditionally are involved in these fields in disproportionately low numbers. b. Students previously receiving OnRamp II scholarship funding, not to exceed three years. c. Students who possess prior research experience.
How may assistance be used?
OnRamp II scholarship participants will receive funding up to $30,000 per academic year (dollar amount subject to change based on tuition rates and budget) to cover:
Tuition support and education related fee (does not include meal plan, housing, or parking), Book allowance including e-books and audio books, and school supplies up to $3,000, Professional development allowance (including travel and conference fees, professional certifications and leadership development) up to $2,000. Note: Scholarship funding cannot be used for stipends.
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: To be outlined in grant.
Not applicable.
Record keeping requirements are in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award, which will include appropriate provisions related to recipient records that are required by the DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs).
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formula is not applicable to this assistance listing.
Matching requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Scholarship assistance will be for one academic school year. Annual academic scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students of designated OnRamp II academic institutions. Students may receive scholarship funding for up to three years to complete their STEM course of study. The Agency provides scholarship funding directly to the academic institutions who are responsible for disbursing funds to pay for tuition and education related fees, books, school supplies, and professional development. Grants will be awarded during the period of availability of the applicable appropriation after selected students sign their service agreements. Requests for payment and acceptance of those requests are specified in the terms and conditions for each awarded grant.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
National Security Agency Attn: OnRamp II Office 9800 Savage Road Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6833 410-854-8035
Headquarters Office
OnRamp II Office
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755 USA
Phone: 410-854-8035
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Direct Payments for Specified Use) FY 20 Estimate Not Available FY 21 Estimate Not Available FY 22 Estimate Not Available -
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Approximately $30,000
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
Not applicable.
Examples of Funded Projects
Not applicable.