Office of Economic Adjustment Federal Grants

Showing results 1-13 of 13 for Office of Economic Adjustment federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Office of Economic Adjustment federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Defense Community Infrastructure Program
Assist state and local governments with addressing deficiencies in community infrastructure to, in order of priority, enhance military value (to include critical infrastructure), cadet training at covered educational institutions, installation...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Establishment or Expansion of a Military Installation
Assist States and local governments to: plan and carry out local adjustments in local public services and facilities, workforce training programs, and other community economic development activities in response to the proposed or actual expansion,...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation
Assist State and local governments to review existing capabilities supporting military installations and develop strategies to protect resources necessary to enhance resilience of military installations, defined as the capability of a military...

Economic Adjustment Assistance for State Governments
To provide technical and financial assistance to a State, or an entity of State government, to enhance its capacities to assist communities, businesses, and workers affected by Defense program activity to plan and carry out community adjustment and...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Reductions in Defense Spending
To provide assistance to State and local governments affected by qualifying Department of Defense actions.

Research and Technical Assistance
To make awards to, or conclude cooperative agreements with States or local governments, or any nongovernmental or other private entity, to conduct research, and provide technical assistance related to community economic adjustment needs and...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Advance Planning and Economic Diversification
Assist State and local governments to lessen an area's dependence on defense expenditures by preparing economic diversification strategies, and contingency strategies and schematic land use plans for the potential redevelopment of a military...

Community Investment
To provide assistance authorized by statute.

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Realignment or Closure of a Military Installation
Assist States and local governments to: plan and carry out adjustment strategies; engage the private sector in order to plan and undertake community economic development and base redevelopment; and, partner with the Military Departments in response...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Reductions in Defense Industry Employment
Assist States and local governments to plan and carry out community adjustment and economic diversification activities in response to reductions in defense industry employment.

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Compatible Use and Joint Land Use Studies
Provide technical and financial assistance to state and local governments to plan and implement civilian actions necessary to alleviate and /or prevent incompatible civilian development and other civilian activities that are likely to impair the...

Growth Management Planning Assistance
To assist local governments or States on behalf of local governments to undertake community economic adjustment planning activities in response to the establishment or expansion of a Department of Defense (DoD) military installation. This activity...

Community Base Reuse Plans
To assist local governments or States on behalf of local governments to develop a reuse/redevelopment plan for a Department of Defense (DoD) military installation approved for closure or realignment.


Federal Grants Resources