Over the past several years, federal and state agencies, local wildlife and environmental organizations, and other entities, have formed a partnership and received two Natural Resource Conservation Service awards (Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative and Regional Conservation Partnership Program) and a Wildlife Conservation Society grant to restore oak habitats at landscape scales in southern Oregon and northern California. A recognized expert of oak ecosystems of the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion, the Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) has been actively working with the partnership���s Interdisciplinary teams coordinating the design and implementation of oak habitat restoration projects funded through these awards and grants. KBO is also evaluating the effectiveness of these projects in meeting stated objectives by monitoring the relative abundance of individual avian species and changes in community composition before and after treatment. Results of this monitoring effort will directly inform future restoration efforts. This agreement is to support KBO���s involvement in the Interdisciplinary teams and as leader of the partnership���s effectiveness monitoring team.