The development of nuclear energy-related infrastructure and basic capabilities in the university and college community is necessary to promote R&D that supports nuclear science and engineering (NS&E), DOE-NE?s mission, and the Nation?s nuclear energy challenges. Accordingly, DOE intends to enable the education and training of nuclear scientists, engineers, and policy-makers, in graduate and undergraduate study and two-year programs, as well as R&D that is relevant to the Department and the nuclear energy industry in general. This FOA is seeking applications from U.S. universities and colleges for equipment and instrumentation infrastructure to support nuclear energy-related engineering and science teaching and research laboratories. The infrastructure requested by a university should be individual, discrete, and definable items or capabilities that will support, maintain, or enhance the university?s or college?s capacity to attract and teach high quality students interested in nuclear energy-related studies; build the university?s or college?s NS&E basic research or education capabilities; or facilitate the university?s or college?s capability to perform R&D that is relevant to DOE-NE?s R&D mission. This FOA is available at Fedconnect under reference number DE-FOA-0000814.