The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Building Technologies Office (BTO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled â₏œBuilding Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) - 2016â₏. This FOA supports a combination of early-stage topics (Innovations) with later-stage, roadmap-driven topics (Frontiers) that complement the core funding provided by the program. Because of their different focuses (Innovations: early-stage; Frontier: later-stage, roadmap-driven), this FOA is divided into two sections: an Innovations and a Frontiers section with an additional optional BUILD supplement. Research and Development (R&D) topics under the Innovations section are at an earlier stage of R&D, compared to those under the Frontiers section. Applications for a BUILD Supplement cannot be submitted as standalone applications. The purpose of this Notice is to provide potential applicants advance notice that the Building Technologies Office, on behalf of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), intends to issue a FOA titled, â₏œBuilding Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) - 2016â₏. NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH THIS NOTICE. Please do not submit questions or respond to this Notice of Intent. Prospective applicants to the FOA should begin developing partnerships, formulating ideas, and gathering data in anticipation of the issuance of this FOA. It is anticipated that this FOA will be posted to EERE Exchange December 2015.