The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Is initiating actions for Eriodictyon altissimum -Indian Knob mountain balm- to further its recovery in accordance with goals contained in the species recovery plan -1998. This project will examine the population genetics of Eriodictyon altissimum using ���next generation sequencing��� -NGS. Rapid advances in this new technology are reducing the cost of sequencing and, thus, making it affordable to individual investigators. We propose to use the NGS technique known as ���restriction site associated DNA sequencing��� -RADseq- to generate an extensive dataset of single nucleotide polymorphisms -SNPs- to evaluate several critical questions pertaining to E. altissimum. First, we will use the SNP dataset to examine the genetic diversity within and between occurrences of E. altissimum using traditional population genetics metrics. This analysis will provide a crucial management tool, potentially identifying occurrences with high and low genetic diversity, as well as occurrences with unique genetic diversity. Second, we will use the SNP dataset to develop a preliminary hypothesis regarding the number of individuals -genets- in each occurrence. This will permit us to evaluate within each occurrence: 1 clonality, the signature of which would be spatially clustered, genetically identical samples and 2 approximate number of individuals -genets-.