This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project activities without competition to, Middle Tennessee State University. A. Project Objectives: The project will deliver credible science-based natural resource information that is relevant and useful to park managers for strategic planning and decision-making purposes. B. Project Tasks: 1. Collaboratively undertake project work titled ¿Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Stones River National Battlefield¿ 2. Conduct pre-scoping meeting (conference call) and evaluate data sources 3. Attend site visit and park scoping meeting for discussion of data sources/analysis frameworks/reporting scales and develop park specific study plans 4. Revise park specific study plans, if required and initiate geodatabase development 5. Initiate NRCA report development 6. Produce draft report and geodatabase for National Park Service (NPS) review/evaluation and revise, as applicable 7. Submit final reports and completion of geodatabase This is a Task Agreement under the Southern Appalachian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (SA-CESU) Cooperative Agreement H5000095041, in the amount of $42,725.00 with a period of performance from date of award through September 15, 2015. Please see attachments: Funding Opportunity Announcement - P13AS00219 Notice of Intent - P13AS00219 Attachments can be viewed on Grants.Gov and FedConnect is a supplemental website that provides secure, bi-directional communication between the government and grant applicants, as well as the ability for direct submission of grant applications directly into the agency grants management systems.