Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations grants provide support for museums, libraries, historic places, and other organizations that produce public programs in the humanities. Grants support the following formats: ¿ exhibitions at museums, libraries, and other venues; ¿ interpretations of historic places, sites, or regions; and ¿ book/film discussion programs; living history presentations; and other face-to-face programs at libraries, community centers, and other public venues. NEH encourages projects that explore humanities ideas through multiple formats. Proposed projects might include complementary components that deepen an audience¿s understanding of a subject: for example, a museum exhibition might be accompanied by a website, mobile app, or discussion programs. Types of Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations awards Planning grants support the early stages of project development, including consultation with scholars, refinement of humanities themes, preliminary design, testing, and audience evaluation. Implementation grants support final scholarly research and consultation, design development, production, and installation of a project for presentation to the public.