The Air Force Research Laboratories and 711th Human Performance Wing are soliciting white papers (and later technical and cost proposals) on the following research effort. This is an open ended BAA. The closing date for submission of White Papers is 17 Nov 2019. This program deals with science and technology development, experimentation, and demonstration in the areas of improving and personalizing individual, team, and larger group instructional training methods for airmen. The approaches relate to competency definition and requirements analysis, training and rehearsal strategies, and models and environments that support learning and proficiency achievement and sustainment during non-practice of under novel contexts. This effort focuses on measuring, diagnosing, and modeling airman expertise and performance, rapid development of models of airman cognition and specifying and validating, both empirically and practically, new classes of synthetic, computer-generated agents and teammates. An Industry Day was held in November 2014. Presentation materials from the Industry Day and Q&A's are attached. If you would like a list of Industry Day attendees, send an email request to