Marketing Federal Grants
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1-25 of 27 for Marketing federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Marketing federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To help agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income...
The Transportation Services program develops and promotes efficient agriculture transportation systems to help improve farm income, expand exports and meet the needs of rural America. The program provides technical and administrative direction,...
The Federal Seed Program prevents mislabeled seed from moving in interstate commerce by providing for random sampling of seeds to insure accurate labeling of seed characteristics. The Pesticide Data Program works with participating States to collect...
To provide technical assistance to States and municipalities interested in creating or upgrading markets and marketing facilities.
Marketing Agreements and Orders are designed to stabilize market conditions and improve returns to producers through the establishment of minimum prices, regulating the quality and quantity of commodities sold through commercial channels, and...
GENERAL: The Cooperative Extension Service (CES) has an important role in reducing the impact of disasters through extension education. The Extension Special Needs program sponsors targeted projects that enable CES to assist in preparing for,...
To assure that all meat, poultry and egg products produced in plants and shipped in commerce are federally inspected for safety, wholesomeness, and proper labeling.
The primary objective of the Emerging Markets Program is to promote, enhance, or expand the exports of U.S. agricultural commodities to overseas emerging markets through cost-share assistance to eligible organizations that implement activities aimed...
To reduce unfair and fraudulent practices in the marketing of perishable agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce. To prevent the destruction or dumping, without good and sufficient cause of farm produce received in interstate...
To assist in exploring new market opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. marketing system.
Building a strong and sustainable U.S. supply chain and supporting a wide range of diverse businesses by providing procurement assistance to businesses, fostering successful participation in federal, state, and local government contracts.
To provide cost-share assistance to nonprofit commodity and agricultural trade associations to maintain and develop foreign markets for United States agricultural commodities and products.
To develop and apply standards of quality and condition for agricultural commodities; to participate and assist in the development of international agricultural standards; and to conduct quarterly inspections of egg handlers and hatcheries.
The Quality Samples Program is designed to encourage the development and expansion of export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities by assisting U.S. entities in providing commodity samples to potential foreign importers to promote a better...
To encourage the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products by reimbursing participating organizations for a portion of the costs of carrying out overseas marketing and...
Provide direct technical assistance to Forest Service, state foresters, tribes, public and private organizations regarding new and emerging wood utilization technologies and products to effectively manage forests and extend the most efficient and...
To provide timely and accurate information on prices, demand, movement, volume, and quality on all major U.S. agricultural commodities to state departments of agriculture.
To increase domestic consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets, by developing, improving, expanding, and providing...
To increase fruit, vegetable, and nut consumption and improve the competitiveness of United States specialty crop producers.
The purpose of this program is to increase the production of both Spring and Winter varieties of hard white wheat during the 2003 through 2005 crop years.
To deliver training and information in the management of production, marketing, and financial risk to U.S. agricultural producers, with a priority to producers of crops not insurable with federal crop insurance, specialty crops, and underserved...
Under the program, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides technical assistance and cash benefits to eligible farmers and fishermen if increased imports contributed importantly to a production or price decline of greater than 15 percent....
To maintain and expand existing markets for dairy which are vital to the welfare of milk producers in the United States. Payments under this program will be limited to dairy operations that produced milk in the United States and commercially...
To assist the U.S. sheep and goat industries by strengthening and enhancing the production and marketing of sheep and goats and their products in the United States.
To provide income support to eligible producers of covered commodities.