Market Access Program


To encourage the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products by reimbursing participating organizations for a portion of the costs of carrying out overseas marketing and promotional activities.

General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
A - Formula Grants; C - Direct Payments For Specified Use
Program Accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2023 FAS partners with U.S. agricultural organizations to support their efforts to promote U.S. commodities throughout the world. Examples of typical activities supported through the MAP include: trade shows, market research, consumer promotions, technical assistance, trade servicing, and seminars to educate overseas customers. American farmers, ranchers, food processors, and manufacturers in all regions of the country benefit through the increased exports and rural job expansion supported by the MAP.
7 U.S.C. 5623(b)
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
To be approved, applicants must be: (1) A nonprofit U.S. agricultural trade organization; (2) a nonprofit State regional trade group; (3) a U.S. agricultural cooperative; or (4) a State agency.
Beneficiary Eligibility
CCC will enter into MAP agreements only where the eligible agricultural commodity is comprised of at least 50 percent U.S. origin content by weight, exclusive of added water.
U.S. applicants must prove the ability to provide a competent experienced staff and other resources to assure adequate development, supervision, and execution of promotional activities. Applicants must submit a written export strategy that provides the information listed in the annual NOFO. Other documentation may be required and will be specified in the annual NOFO.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Pre-Application Procedure
Preapplication coordination is required. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review.
Application Procedure
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. The application procedures are detailed in the annual NOFOs published to
Award Procedure
Proposals are evaluated by FAS, which rates the qualifications of applicants and determines an appropriate level of funding.
Deadlines will appear in the annual Notice of Funding Opportunity posted to
Approval/Disapproval Decision Time
From 90 to 120 days.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
How are proposals selected?
The criteria for selecting proposals will be detailed in the annual NOFOs.
How may assistance be used?
Market Access Program (MAP) funds are authorized through program agreements that provide for partial reimbursement of eligible promotional expenses in a Unified Export Strategy application approved by the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), the agency that administers the program for the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). MAP participants may receive assistance for either generic or brand promotion activities. Program funds help finance activities such as consumer advertising, point of sale demonstrations, public relations, trade servicing activities, participation in trade fairs and exhibits, market research, and technical assistance.
What are the requirements after being awarded this opportunity?
Performance Reports: All MAP Participants must report annual results against their target market and/or regional constraints/opportunity performance measures.
Participant accounts are reviewed as needed, but normally at least every two years, by representatives of the Compliance and Security Division (CSD) of FAS. Audits and reviews are also conducted sporadically by representatives of the Office of Inspector General and the Government Accounting Office. Accounts and records must be available for inspection or audit at any reasonable time.
Grant records shall be retained for a period of 5 years from the day the recipient submits its final expenditure report. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the 5-year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 5-year period, whichever is later. Grant records include financial and program/progress reports, support documents, statistical records, and other documents that support the activity and/or expenditure of the recipient or subrecipient under the award.
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formula is not applicable to this assistance listing.

Matching is mandatory. 10%.

MOE requirements are not applicable to this assistance listing.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Assistance is provided for a single year. Each approved applicant receives a program agreement and allocation approval letter that specifies any special terms and conditions applicable to a participant's program. Final agreement occurs when both the participating organization and FAS sign the program agreement and approval letter.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Regional or Local Office
None/Not specified.
Headquarters Office
Curt Alt
1400 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20250 US
Phone: 2026904784
Website Address
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Formula Grants (Cooperative Agreements)) FY 22$200,000,000.00; FY 23 est $200,000,000.00; FY 24 est $200,000,000.00; FY 21$200,000,000.00; FY 20$200,000,000.00; FY 19$200,000,000.00; FY 18$200,000,000.00; FY 17$200,000,000.00; FY 16 est $200,000,000.00; FY 15$185,600,000.00; -
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Not applicable/available.
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
7 CFR 1485.
Examples of Funded Projects
Fiscal Year 2019 $0
Fiscal Year 2023 The MAP forms a partnership between non–profit U.S. agricultural trade associations, non–profit U.S. agricultural cooperatives, non–profit state–regional trade groups, state agencies, and USDA to share the costs of overseas marketing and promotional activities for the development, expansion, and maintenance of foreign markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products.


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