Many grassland birds and other avian species populations are in decline. The Carrizo Plain National Monument and the Bakersfield Field Office are home to a number of bird species that are considered special status due to continuing loss of habitat or other threats to their existence. Many species lack baseline data or other information such as current distribution, habitat associations or requirements, nesting habitat, chick survivorship and migration information. As a land management agency and as a part of the mission of the Monument, it is our responsibility to identify threats and determine responses to disturbance and other information useful for management. This funding will contribute towards increasing our knowledge of the species and the conservation measures needed to support their long-term survival as well as contributing to cumulative data to monitor impacts of climate change. This program hopes to focus efforts on several species over the course of multiple years, concentrating on the special status species Le Conte's thrasher and grasshopper sparrow or other species identified as needing special attention during the life of the agreement