Indian Health Service Federal Grants
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1-25 of 52 for Indian Health Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Indian Health Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The objective of the Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) Program is to promote prevention efforts that address domestic and sexual violence including sexual exploitation/human trafficking, Missing and Murdered AI/AN, and child maltreatment.
The Indian Health Service Behavioral Health Programs consists of several funding programs designed to help Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations (UIO) assist American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations achieve and...
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) consists of several funding programs designed to help Tribes and Tribal Organizations (T/TO) improve access to health care in their respective communities. The national CHAP...
Public Health Nursing (PHN) patient care coordination activities aim to serve the patient and family in the home and in the community. Preventative health care informs populations, promotes healthy lifestyles, and provides early treatment for...
To enable Federally recognized Indian tribes to enter into agreements that would allow them to assume programs, services, functions, and activities (PSFA) (or portions thereof) that the IHS would otherwise provide for Indians because of their status...
To promote improved health care among American Indians/Alaska Natives through special diabetes prevention and treatment services with objectives and priorities determined at the local level. Since FY 2016, this program includes a new grant...
To allow Federally recognized Indian Tribes to enter into an agreement with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to assume full funding and control over programs, services, functions and activities (PSFA) (or portions thereof) that the IHS would...
Grants provide health-related services to Urban Indians including: (1) Alcohol and substance abuse prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and education; (2) Mental health needs assessment and services; (3) Health promotion and disease prevention...
To promote improved health care among American Indians and Alaska Natives through research studies and demonstration projects, addressing such issues as, but not limited to Women's Health Care, National Indian Health Outreach and Education I, II &...
The purpose of this program is to fund Tribes, Tribal and urban Indian organizations, and intertribal consortia to provide epidemiological support for the American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) population served by IHS. Tribal Epidemiology Center...
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives for the purpose of completing pre-graduate education leading to a baccalaureate degree only in the following areas: (1) Pre-medicine: priority as follows: senior, junior, sophomore,...
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives for the purpose of completing compensatory pre-professional education to enable the recipient to qualify for enrollment or re- enrollment in a health professions school or curriculum.
(1) To identify American Indians and Alaska Natives with a potential for education or training in the health professions, and to encourage and assist them to enroll in health or allied health professional schools; (2) to increase the number of...
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives at health professions schools in order to obtain health professionals to serve Indians. Upon completion, scholarship recipients are obligated to serve in the Indian Health Service or an...
To ensure that the Indian Health Service (IHS) has an adequate supply of trained health professionals for Indian health program facilities by providing for the repayment of educational loans for participants who agree (by written contract) to serve...
To develop and enhance management infrastructure of Federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations to assume all or part of existing Indian Health Service programs, functions, services and activities.
To enable Indian tribes to assume the management and operation of programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSA) for the delivery of health care to Indian people. To enter into a self- determination contract or contracts with Indian tribes or...
To improve the quality of the health of American Indians and Alaskan Natives by developing the capacity of tribes to address their injury problems.
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement is to further IHS's mission and goals related to providing quality health care to the AI/AN community through outreach and education efforts with the sole outcome of improving...
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement announcement is to encourage national Indian organizations, IHS, and Tribal partners to work together to conduct Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Indian Health Care Improvement Act...
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) grant program is to combine existing resources and infrastructure with IHS Headquarters (HQ) and IHS area resources in order to address the broad challenges and opportunities associated with IHS...
The purpose of these cooperative agreements is to further IHS health program objectives in the AI/AN community with expanded outreach and education efforts for the MSPI and HIV/AIDS programs on a national scale and in the interest of improving...
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) grant announcement is to announce the availability of the Tribal Management Grant (TMG) Program to enhance and develop health management infrastructure and assist Federally-recognized Indian Tribes and...
The purpose of this Planning Cooperative Agreement is to provide resources to Tribes interested in entering the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP) and to existing Self-Governance Tribes interested in assuming new or expanded Programs, Services,...
The purpose of this Negotiation Cooperative Agreement is to provide Tribes with resources to help defray costs related to preparing for and conducting Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP) negotiations. TSGP negotiations are a dynamic, evolving, and...