Impact Aid Federal Grants

Showing results 1-6 of 6 for Impact Aid federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Impact Aid federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Investments for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities
Through the primarily construction-oriented Public Works program, EDA provides catalytic investments to help distressed communities build, design, or engineer critical infrastructure and facilities that will help implement regional development...

Impact Aid
To provide financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) where affected by Federal activities, i.e., where the tax base of a district is reduced through the Federal acquisition of real property (Section 7002, ESEA), and where the...

Impact Aid Facilities Maintenance
To maintain school facilities used to serve federally connected military dependent students that are owned by the Department of Education and operated by local educational agencies (LEAs), and to transfer those facilities to the LEAs, where...

Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities
To provide grants to eligible entities to leverage funds through credit enhancement initiatives in order to assist charter schools in using private-sector capital to acquire, construct, renovate, or lease academic facilities.

National Evaluation of the Safe Schools-Healthy Students Initiative
To conduct an evaluation of the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative.

National Institute for Literacy
To provide national leadership regarding literacy; to coordinate literacy services and policy; and to serve as a national resource for adult education and literacy programs through dissemination.


Federal Grants Resources