This is a Notice of Intent to Award to Huntington Cleveland Irrigation Company. Reclamation awarded agreement 04-FC-40-2242 in 2004 to Huntington Cleveland Irrigation Company (HCIC) to replace approximately 350 miles of existing earthen canals and laterals with a pressurized pipeline distribution system in the Northern Emery County in and around the towns of Huntington, Lawrence, Cleveland, and Elmo, Utah. This project, when fully completed, will reduce the salt loading to the Colorado River system by 59,000 tons annually. Due to unforeseen events and weather conditions the duration of the project has extended beyond what was originally envisioned. As a result Reclamation is issuing a follow-on agreement to complete the remaining unfinished work associated with the original agreement 04-FC-40-2242. Although the project is substantially complete, Reclamation is committed to help fund the approximate last 5% of the project. The anticipated completion date for this project is March 2014. If the project is not completed the anticipated salt load reductions to the Colorado River System will not be realized and the completed portions of the pressurized distribution system will not operate as designed. As a result many individual users in the project area will not have working “on-farm” salinity control measures. HCIC has already completed the designs, engineering, and planning required for the project. In addition, HCIC represents the land owners within the project area, and is the manager and operator of the distribution system, providing it unique access and knowledge of the project areas and requirements necessary for the successful completion of the distribution system.