This announcement solicits new and competing continuation applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS). Funds will support outpatient HIV primary care services targeted to low-income, vulnerable, medically underserved people living with HIV/AIDS including women, infants, children and youth. The purpose of the RWHAP Part C EIS Program is to provide HIV primary care in the outpatient setting.  Applicants must propose to provide a comprehensive continuum of outpatient HIV primary care services in the designated service area including: 1) targeted HIV counseling, testing, and referral; 2) medical evaluation and clinical care; 3) other primary care services; and 4) referrals to other health services. Primary care for persons with HIV disease should start as early in the course of the infection as possible. However, entry into a RWHAP Part C EIS program may take place at any point in the spectrum of the disease or the patient¿s lifespan. This competition is open to existing and new organizations proposing to provide RWHAP Part C funded services in the service areas described in Appendix B. Applicants must define their proposed service area, which may be a portion of or the entire published service area.  Applicants proposing to serve less than all of the service area as listed in Appendix B must demonstrate the availability of comprehensive care and services to the entire service area through partners or other RWHAP providers. Applicants that have overlapping geographic service areas must propose to provide additional services, or target specific vulnerable populations, and/or provide services that enhance the existing services in the area.  New organizations must demonstrate that they will serve the existing patients and populations, and provide at least the same scope of services of the current grantee. New applicants must identify the grantee (listed in Appendix B) they intend to replace. As established in section 2651 of the PHS Act, and according to the terms and conditions of these awards, a RWHAP Part C program grantee must expend grant funds to provide HIV primary medical care in a proposed service area. These services must be reflected in the budget. Staff positions such as nurses, medical assistants and dental hygienists can be included in the budget when the position proportionately complements HIV primary medical care providers, such as physicians, dentists, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners for the RWHAP Part C program. Accordingly, a RWHAP Part C budget must reflect a medical model of care in which providers can assess, treat and refer, as applicable. Providers must be authorized, via credentialing and licensure, to prescribe medications, order medically indicated tests/exams, interpret symptoms, treat, and meet Department of Health and Human Services¿ (HHS) guidelines. Applicants are expected to focus RWHAP Part C supported services on those populations of persons living with HIV (PLWH) who are the hardest to reach, have the greatest unmet need, and/or the greatest gaps in HIV primary care services as documented by local epidemiologic and needs assessment data. These populations include (but are not limited to) minorities, youth, women, pregnant women, post-incarcerated persons, and homeless persons. Applicants will be expected to have the financial capabilities to execute the fiduciary responsibilities that come with acceptance of a Federal award.  Applicants must demonstrate that they are fiscally able to perform the duties and services outlined in this grant. RWHAP Part C programs should comply with federally-approved guidelines for HIV Prevention and Treatment (see ) as a reliable source for current guidelines). More information can also be found at: . The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) are committed to meeting the national goals and principles described below. As applicants complete their RWHAP Part C proposal, they should consider how their program supports and helps to implement these goals and principles.