Historic Sites and Monuments Federal Grants
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1-11 of 11 for Historic Sites and Monuments federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Historic Sites and Monuments federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To provide matching grants for preservation or conservation work on nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts and nationally significant historic structures and sites. Intellectual and cultural artifacts include artifacts,...
To provide matching grants for preservation or education projects that foster a greater awareness and appreciation of the role of maritime endeavors in Americas history and culture. The grants will help State, Tribal, and local governments and...
To assist States and local communities acquire and preserve threatened battlefield land from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. This grant program enables the permanent protection of historic battlefield lands through fee simple...
To provide Federal financial assistance to State, local and tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, and private nonprofit organizations to identify, evaluate, interpret, and protect historic battlefields and sites...
To provide congressionally mandated grants to States, Tribes, Territories, the Freely Associated States, the District of Columbia, Certified Local Governments, and other applicants as defined by Congress, to assist in the identification, evaluation,...
The purposes of the Center shall be to (1) develop and distribute preservation and conservation skills and technologies for the identification, evaluation, conservation, and interpretation of historic property; (2) develop and facilitate training...
The Secretary of the Interior, through the National Park Service, for the purpose of effectuating the policy established by the Historic Sites Act of 1935, has the following powers and performs the following duties and functions: a) preserve for...
To identify and recognize nationally significant natural areas throughout the United States of America and to encourage their continued preservation.
To expand and maintain the National Register of Historic Places for planning, preservation, research, public education and tourism efforts; to make the information on districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects of historical, architectural,...
The Technical Preservation Services office (TPS) of the National Park Service provides standards, guidance, technical preservation information, and assistance on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings, including the "Secretary of the...
FLP: To transfer surplus Federal real property for state and local public park and recreation use; HSPP: To transfer Federal historic real property to state and local governments for historic preservation purposes.