Health Planning Health Administration Federal Grants

Showing results 1-21 of 21 for Health Planning Health Administration federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Health Planning Health Administration federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants
Under the Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works opportunity, the purpose is to fund projects that provide healthy marriage activities and integrate career advancement opportunities for adults. Under the Relationships, Education,...

Global AIDS
The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is the U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world. This historic commitment is the largest by any nation to combat a single disease...

Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs
Through its programs, the Injury Center works with national organizations, state health agencies, and other key groups to develop, implement, and promote effective injury and violence prevention and control practices. NON-RESEARCH STATE AND...

Rural Health Care Services Outreach, Rural Health Network Development and Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement
Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program: enhances health care delivery in the Delta Region through intensive technical assistance to providers in select rural communities, including Critical Access Hospitals, small rural hospitals,...

National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
To provide for the development of information describing and analyzing the health care workforce and workforce-related issues in order to provide necessary information for decision-making regarding future directions in health professions in response...

Rural Health Research Centers
The Rural Health Research Center program supports publicly available, policy-relevant research to assist decision makers in understanding the challenges faced by rural communities and providers. The Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue...

Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
The funded Prevention Research Centers aims are to: 1. Establish, maintain, and operate multi-disciplinary academic-based centers that conduct high-quality applied health promotion and disease prevention research; 2. Improve public health practice...

Community Programs to Improve Minority Health Grant Program
Support public and private evidence-based interventions and innovative models to improve the health outcomes of racial and ethnic minority communities. Conduct policy demonstrations which coordinate integrated services, community-outreach and...

Graduate Psychology Education
The Graduate Psychology Education Program supports training of doctoral health psychology students, interns, and post-doctoral residents to provide integrated, interdisciplinary, behavioral health and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance...

Cooperative Agreements to States/Territories for the Coordination and Development of Primary Care Offices
To coordinate the local, State, and Federal resources contributing to primary care service delivery and workforce issues in a State. Further, to meet the needs of medically-underserved populations through health centers and other community-based...

Grants to States for Operation of State Offices of Rural Health
The purpose of the State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) grant program is to assist states in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by maintaining a focal point for rural health within each state. The program provides funding for an...

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness
To enable the expansion of the Protection and Advocacy system established in each State to: (1) Protect and advocate the rights of individuals with mental illness; (2) investigate incidents of abuse and neglect of individuals with mental illness if...

Ambassadors for Change Program
To provide recognition and funding to the graduating National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health and the National Community Centers of Excellence in Women's Health programs to enhance their women's health program through the integration of...

Steps to Healthier Girls Program
The objectives of the Steps to Healthier Girls Program are to: 1)Increase the number of girls who engage regularly in moderate physical activity, preferably daily, for at least 60 minutes per day; 2) increase girls' knowledge of healthy nutrition...

Strengthening Public Health Services at the Outreach Offices of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission
The anticipated funding, through the United States-Mexico Border Health Commission (BHC),will be used to support the Administration?s priorities of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) to optimize health and...

State Partnership Grant Program to Improve Minority Health
To facilitate the improvement of minority health and eliminate health disparities (adult/child immunization, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, HIV, infant mortality, and mental health) through the development of partnerships with...

Improving, Enhancing, and Evaluating Outcomes of Comprehensive Heart Health Care Programs for High-Risk Women
To provide funding to improve and enhance existing women's heart health care programs in hospitals, clinics, and/or health centers and to enable the programs to track and evaluate outcome data. Each grantee shall enhance an existing women's heart...

Quentin N. Burdick Programs for Rural Interdisciplinary Training
The goal of this program is to provide or improve access to health care in rural areas. Specifically, projects funded under this authority shall be designed to: (a) Use new and innovative methods to train health care practitioners to provide...

Health Administration Traineeships and Special Projects Program
This program was developed to support eligible students enrolled in accredited graduate programs in health administration, hospital administration, or health policy analysis and planning. Applicants are encouraged to use the traineeships to...

Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF) Public Health Traineeships
To provide traineeship support to cover the costs associated with tuition, fees, stipends and allowances ( including travel, subsistence expenses and dependency allowances) for students pursuing graduate training or specialized education in six core...

Health Education and Training Centers
The legislative purpose of this initiative is to improve health care, increase retention, increase representation of minority faculty members, enhance the practice environment, and provide information dissemination and educational support to reduce...


Federal Grants Resources