Health, Medical Services Preventive Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1-11 of 11 for Health, Medical Services Preventive Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Health, Medical Services Preventive Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Assistance Programs for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
To work with State health agencies and other public and private nonprofit organizations in planning, developing, integrating, coordinating, or evaluating programs to prevent and control chronic diseases; and assist in monitoring the major behavioral...

Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems
To raise the health status of Native Hawaiians to the highest possible level through the provision of comprehensive disease prevention, health promotion, and primary care health services.

Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant
The objectives are (1) to support Poison Control Centers efforts to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations, for poisonings and toxic exposures; (2) to comply with operational requirements to sustain accreditation; and/or achieve...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance
To assist State and local health authorities and other health related organizations in controlling communicable diseases, chronic diseases and disorders, and other preventable health conditions. Investigations and evaluation of all methods of...

Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
The funded Prevention Research Centers aims are to: 1. Establish, maintain, and operate multi-disciplinary academic-based centers that conduct high-quality applied health promotion and disease prevention research; 2. Improve public health practice...

Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (Title V State SRAE) Program
The purpose of the Title V State SRAE program is to provide messages to youth that normalizes the optimal health behavior of avoiding non-marital sexual activity. Title V State SRAE is a prevention education program targeted to youth ages 10 to 19....

Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs
Through its programs, the Injury Center works with national organizations, state health agencies, and other key groups to develop, implement, and promote effective injury and violence prevention and control practices. NON-RESEARCH STATE AND...

Injury Prevention Program for American Indians and Alaskan Natives Cooperative Agreements
To improve the quality of the health of American Indians and Alaskan Natives by developing the capacity of tribes to address their injury problems.

Research, Prevention, and Education Programs on Lyme Disease in the United States
To develop, implement and evaluate practical and effective measures for the primary and secondary prevention of Lyme disease in the United States.

Cooperative Agreements for State Treatment Outcomes and Performance Pilot Studies Enhancement
To enable project States to collect information on SAPT Block Grant funded treatment services and monitor common substance abuse treatment effectiveness data measures across various State management information systems (MIS). This program will...

Cooperative Agreements for State-Based Comprehensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programs
To work with official State and territorial health agencies or their designees, and tribal health agencies in developing comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection programs. To the extent possible, increase screening and follow-up...


Federal Grants Resources