The Service delisted wolves in Wyoming on September 30, 2012 and thereby transferred the management authority of wolves (outside Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, the Wind River Reservation, and the National Elk Refuge) to the State of Wyoming. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has sole management authority of wildlife in Wyoming and is uniquely qualifed to monitor and manage wolves throughout Wyoming. The Department is well-funded and has qualified biologists to successfully manage wolves and maintain the Wyoming portion of the NRM wolf population well-above recovery goals. The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: 1. Manage wolve sin WYoming to ensure that segment of the NRM population always exceeds recovery criteria. 2. Monitor the wolf population in Wyoming. 3. Direct control of problem wolves in Wyoming. 4. Regulate public take of wolves in Wyoming. 5. Conduct and coordinate research of wolves in Wyoming. 6. Conduct appropriate outreach on wolves in Wyoming. 7. Prepare an annual report on the status of the wolf population in Wyoming and submit it to the Service each subsequent year.