Using a CESU; BLM proposes to partner with the applicant to address pressing questions associated with golden eagles in the Mojave Desert. The objective of this project is to gain information about genetic uniqueness of the Mojave population and determine nest site occupancy, durability, fidelity to territories, fidelity within pairs, turn-over rates, and mortality rates. Research must address all of these objectives and may include additional collection of baseline data from golden eagles in the Mojave Desert. The overall objective is to further the conservation of sensitive BLM resources, specifically golden eagles. Data collected from and synthesized by this project will help aid BLM in its decision making process with respect to renewable energy development and whether renewable energy projects will be able to meet the ¿no net loss¿ standard of the Bald and golden Eagle protection Act 2009 Rule. Project permitting is currently slowed because we lack information on population demographics, background mortality rates, and understanding how the eagles in the Mojave desert are related to populations in other regions. This project is designed to help answer some of the key unknowns related to desert golden eagles, that has been identify by the Bureau as well as by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.