The main goal of the USAID/Mozambique’s “Strengthening Family and Community Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children” (SFCS-OVC) activity is to reduce the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on OVC and their caregivers. The overall objective is to enhance the capacity of families and communities to support, protect, and care for OVC and caregivers. The activity will take a family-centered approach and offer a set of services that will strengthen families and communities to help OVC transition from childhood and adolescence to young adulthood, ensuring that they are AIDS-free, healthy, educated, and prepared to contribute to Mozambique’s development. The intermediate results of the activity are: 1) Strengthened coordination and harmonization of care, protection and support services for OVC households at the district and community level; 2) Increased access to education and improved learning outcomes for OVC; 3) Increased access to healthcare and nutritional support for OVC and caregivers; 4) Improved coping mechanisms for OVC and caregivers; and 5) Improved socio-economic status of OVC households.