Congress has designated funding to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under the Surface Transportation Priorities for the ?East Texas Higher Speed Rail Feasibility Study? for intercity passenger rail corridor between the Dallas-Fort Worth area and East Texas in two separate appropriations: ? Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law 110-161, Division K, Title I, FHWA, Section 129, Surface Transportation Priorities; $455,000 ($445,900 with 2% reduction); and ? Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, Public Law 111-8, Division I, Title I, FHWA, Section 125, Surface Transportation Priorities; $285,000. The appropriations for these funds specify the use of up to 100% Federal share of the amount made available without a match from the Grantee. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and FHWA have executed a transfer of funds from the Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 appropriations from FHWA to FRA for completion of the studies with the intended funding. The initial Cooperative Agreement (FR-RLD-0011) between FRA and TXDOT was funded through the full amount of the FY 2009 appropriation and $171,061 from the FY 2008 appropriation. This funding opportunity provides for the obligation of the full amount of the FY 2008 appropriation of $274,839 to the Project for the completion of additional corridor development planning activities.